Different behavior between running a suite case locally and using Jenkins job

What my tests are doing ?
Install some apps from the google store, by opening the Google Play Store first, and then from the adb I’m opening directly the app page from the market, install it and try to see if they are working as expected.

Jenkins job:
It’s a parameterized job, in which you can choose on what device you’ll like to run the tests.

The unexpected behavior:
When I’m running the test from my pc, on the device, all the things are going well, but when I’m trying to run the job, the Google Play Store is just opening and closing, and I saw that the command which opens the app page from the market is not working anymore.
The command which is used to open the app page from the market is, adb -s DEVICE_NAME shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d ‘market://details?id=APP_ID’)

Has any of you encountered this challenge ?