DOB selection in appium java

I am facing the issue for the selection of year. It is scrolling down not the up for the year 1999… I tried with flingBackward(), scrollBackward(), flingToBeginning(10)… Can any one help me


driver.findElement(AppiumBy.androidUIAutomator(“new UiScrollable(new UiSelector().scrollable(true).instance(0)).scrollIntoView”+ “(new UiSelector().textContains("1999").instance(0)).scrollBackward(10)”)).click();

Even this one also scrolling down only ( It is scrolling up once and then scrolling down up to 2100 …) but it is not able to find 1999


look at last comment → When i want to go 1990 year in date picker its not scrolling - #4 by ageek_sto

you need tap up/down depending on year you need.