Does Appium 1.6.4 require iOS app source code for running automated test on real iOS devices?

I understand that this question has been asked frequently before on this forum and I have gone through many of them but nowhere it is clearly mentioned about the requirement of iOS app source code. My requirement is to run the appium(1.6.4 with XCUITest support) automated iOS tests on real iOS devices.
What I have with me is:

  1. iOS app (debug version)
  2. real iOS device running on 10.2.1 version and is provisioned by dev team for iOS app under test
  3. Xcode 8.2.1

Do I also require source code of the iOS debug app to create and run appium automated tests on the real device? And if not, what additional information should I ask developer team to provide me to make the test run on real device?


No you don’t require App source code.

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you don’t need any additional information, just ask them to add your device id to provisioning profile and get the bundle Identifier of the app.

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Thank you @Venkatesh. I verified it at my end. And one does not need iOS app source code for running appium automated tests, if one has a debug app, bundle identifier of the app and device id added to provisioning profile in the app.


Hi jerryTom,

what need to be provided for app path in appium inspector if we are using ipa file?