Does Appium expose an API/interface for iOS's ARkit/Android's Recording and Playback API?

Hi all, I’m the lead and first QA hire at a startup that works with creating augmented reality applications for Android and iOS.

I am tasked with picking the right tooling for building out an automation suite to test our native Android and iOS apps and SDKs.

Does Appium have any official support for this? I know Appium wraps native XCTest and Android testing capabilities within a Selenium like framework. To be specific:

  1. does Appium support playing back/building apps with videos/sessions recorded by Apple’s Reality Composer app? If so is this support still in beta?
  2. does Appium support playing back/building apps with videos/sessions recorded by Google’s Recording and Playback API? If so is this support still in beta?
  3. Are there any examples that shows an Appium test/setup that achieves playing back/building mobile apps with an AR recording made by the RC app or R&PB API (even non-natively)?

It’s possible that we need to actually build each app with the specific AR data, so that it’s “baked in” to the app. In that case it might simply be a case of making sure the apps that are built onto the device when they are under test have the right AR session data. If anyone has any links to relevant examples that show how to do this I would greatly appreciate it.