Does Appium support real Android device testing on Linux Ubuntu?

Does Appium support real device testing on Linux Ubuntu? or It works only on Emulator.

It supports Android real devices on any platform

Mac OSX 10.7+ or Windows 7+ or Linux

Whats appearing to you? versions you using and android API of device you trying to test?

I am already working on appium+Ubuntu+real devices

I have done appium setup through node and npm, I have done script coding on Eclipse, I have installed .apk file on my android device(Moto G) and not sure how to run my code in Terminal.
My device have OS 4.4.4 , Installed API 19, 20 and 21.

u need to run appium server independently. hope u already configured ANDROID_HOME. you can clone my repo on github for ur reference.

Priyank Shah

I have configured ANDROID_HOME: /sdk
Can you help me on:
Where to save my script file written in Eclipse and any command to call it or anything need to run prior script running.


I could see…
Welcome to Appium v1.3.1 (REV 1160ce02bb89c354cb99317985123acf39f0e7d3)
info: Appium REST http interface listener started on
info: Console LogLevel: debug

can you please join, i could not monitor this blog constantly.

Priyank Shah


Can you help me pls?


Hey Priyank

I have been working on Windows & iOS platforms…now i need to give a try on Ubunt
Can you plz share any document if u have info How to Setup Appium in Ubuntu ?


  1. Install linux brew
  2. Install node using linux brew
  3. Install appium using npm

Priyank Shah

1 Like

Sir, please tell me how to open appium interface on ubuntu?
I hv installed all, nodejs npm and set the environment variables also… I used the command appium on terminal, it just shows the port number. No interface is started.

Appium does not have GUI interface in Linux.