Does appium1.12 support ios12.0.1

environmental information:
Xcode 10 Appium 1.12 iPhone 6s plus 12.0.1 node 10.15

I use pycharm to run app on my mobile phone, but there is an error message in the execution log of Appium.

Cannot get the name of the crashes folder for the device with udid ‘1366dd0c3f799588937124b81a507f24aee1496f’. Original error: Command ‘idevicename -u 1366dd0c3f799588937124b81a507f24aee1496f’ exited with code 255
[debug] e[35m[BaseDriver]e[39m Event ‘logCaptureStarted’ logged at 1555554174256 (10:22:54 GMT+0800 (CST))
[info] e[35m[XCUITest]e[39m Setting up real device[info] e[35m[XCUITest]e[39m Using WDA path: ‘/Applications/’
[info] e[35m[XCUITest]e[39m Using WDA agent: ‘/Applications/’
[debug] e[35m[XCUITest]e[39m No obsolete cached processes from previous WDA sessions listening on port 8100 have been found
[debug] e[35m[WD Proxy]e[39m Matched ‘/status’ to command name ‘getStatus’
[debug] e[35m[WD Proxy]e[39m Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[warn] e[35m[WD Proxy]e[39m Got an unexpected response: {“errno”:“ECONNREFUSED”,“code”:“ECONNREFUSED”,“syscall”:“connect”,“address”:“”,“port”:8100}
[debug] e[35m[XCUITest]e[39m WDA is not listening at ‘http://localhost:8100/
[debug] e[35m[XCUITest]e[39m WDA is currently not running. There is nothing to cache