Downloading Appium DMG file on MAC OS Yosemite or above doesn't work


Issue :

I am currently trying to download Appium latest … However when we download the Appium DMG file on Yosemite 10.10.5 or El Captain download doesn’t work …
We tried version 1.4.8 and 1.4.13. Snapshot attached …


I had to use another machine with Mac OS X (10.9) and airdrop the 1.4.13 DMG. Now with the latest appium i am only seeing iOs version till 8.4 but i thought 1.4.13 would support 9.0 iOs also … Snapshot attached

Let me know if you need any other details

Just type the iOS version you want.

I have the exact same problem.

It does not finish the download and open.

Go to Downloads folder and rename the uncompleted file to appium.dmg and double click it.

Great thanks for the reply will check this out … Currently i got dmg from another machine via Air Drop and installed it.

Wreed - I typed the iOS version as 9.0 but i am facing issues with opening simulator via Appium … Filed a separate ticket # 7672