Due to Location service popup Appium is not able to launch the appium inspector (iOS iPad)

While launching the iPad application through appium GUI to see the elements in inspector but not able to launch.

Reason : iOS “Location Service” popup the location service popup we are enabling while the application launch.

Appium launch the application but was not able to dismiss the location service popup. and it is relaunching again -2 after some time its is giving the below error “Could not launch the appium server”
with the below logs in appium console


**info: [debug] [INSTSERVER] Instruments exited with code 0 info: [debug] Killall instruments info: [debug] Instruments crashed on startup info: [debug] Attempting to retry launching instruments, this is retry #1 info: [debug] Killall iPhoneSimulator info: Launching instruments info: [debug] Attempting to run app on iPad Retina (64-bit) - Simulator - iOS 7.1

It is working fine if we manually dismiss the “location service” popup and then launching the appium inspector…

If any one faced the same problem please let us know ASAP.

The only work around right now it to move the location service popup from the app launch

I have this same issue. What happens is that the location based popup comes before the ‘autoAcceptAlert=true’ flag is rolled out in the server. Due to this, it’s unable to automate the accept of the location alert and the application crashed and the appium server throws an error something like ‘application not frontmost’.

I had a talk with @isaac at the selenium conference regarding this and he said that he would look in to the issue. Hopefully, we will have a fix/workaround for the same soon.

Any light on this from @jlipps / @jonahss / @bootstraponline would be highly appreciated.

Can you create an issue on github? Sounds like a bug.

I have created an issue on github for the same.