Element accessibility id, name, or label value is not showing on iOS 15.0

Hi, we are automating all our iOS automated tests using iOS version 14.3 and Appium version 1.22.0. We are planning to update our iOS version from 14.3 to 15.0 or 15.2. But tests are failed because Appium is unable to find the given element property(like accessibility id, name, label, or value) which is completely fine on iOS 14.3. Appium Inspector is also not showing the id, label, name, or value for those elements for iOS 15. And also in some cases, the element tree is not loading properly. It looks like an iOS issue to me than Appium.
Just wondering, if anybody has experienced the same problem with their automated tests in iOS when updating the version of iOS from 14 to 15.
Thanks in advance!

It’s probably the xcode version. Use this chart to look up compatibility:


You can connect ios simulator/emulator through appium inspector.
For example, for capabilities you can provide:
“platformName”: “ios”,
“deviceName”: “the name of your device”,
“app”: “the path to your application .ipa”,
“automationName”: “XCUITest”

or if you use cloud base platform like browserstack, you can also connect to it through inspector by providing the platformName, phone model, app url.