Error: An element could not be located

In the above screenshot, I am trying tap on “Add new account button”

I tried
driver.findElementByAndroidUIAutomator(“text(“Add new account”)”).click();

driver.findElementByXPath("//android.widget.Button[@text=‘Add new account’]").click();


All three are giving me same Error: An element could not be located

Could you please let me know where I am going wrong?
I thought my approach to reach this is right.

Which version of appium you are using?
I had same issue, but when i updated the appium(1.10.1).
it worked fined

Yes Appium version might be the reason, please let us know your version.
Also try putting a delay for a second or two after you land on the screen, might work.

Thanks @Aish.appium and sanjaydhami
I used X, Y coordinator, it worked for me. Not sure if this is a ideal approach as the screen-size might vary in different resolution phone.
Here is my Appium version(v1.10.0)

Should I update the Appium Version and try?

Please let me know.

Yeah i think coordinates would not help when your test on different device.

try this driver.findElementByAndroidUIAutomator(“new UiSelector().className(“android.widget.Button”).text(“This button”)”);

Let me know if this works.

I’m facing the same problem since I updated to appium 1.10.1

I’m using

Even with delay, the problem occurs.