Error detecting element in PDF automation - IOS devices

Hi Appium team,

I am developing an automation project for an application on the Android/IOS platform, but in the last few days I found a blocker error to continue in IOS devices, in the application there is a PDF page that must be filled clicking on some elements to sign all the required fields on the PDF web file, I tried to identify the element using a XPath way, but the element to sign it is not clickable

As you can see in the image the button is not being detected as a button but as whole section (Grey section)

I am using the BrowserStack platform for this and the BrowserStack support team told me, that is related to the security on IOS devices and the way Appum is interacting with the page, he suggested I talk with you.

I would appreciate your help because I am in the middle of a project that should be delivered in the next few days.

Thank you very much and I am waiting for your reply.

Start from - can you see this button with xCode layout inpector?

I am not using xCode to develop the automation nor to identify the elements, I am using Appium framework, and for detecting the elements I am using Appium inspector and UI inspector mode through BrowserStack

This is good. But you can install xCode (it should be installed anyway on your mac) and check if xCode Layout inspector can see it.

Also you can get page source of this screen with Appium and check also there if element you looking for is there.


I do not use a Mac, but I have seen how to install XCode on Windows, with the Xcode tool Will I be able to detect the elements in a better way? Is the Xcode tool a better tool for detecting the elements than the Appium inspector?

I will try getting the source of the page with Appium to verify if the element is present.

Thank you for answering.

You can double check is xçode can find them. Appium cant do more.

In my case I do not have Mac platform, only windows, what do you suggest to me?

buy any mac. macMini as most cheap machine. even 5-7 years old is fine.

Hi Aleksei, the application was built on Flutter, does that make a difference when the application is built on Flutter language or native Android to detect the elements through xCode?, Or does it not matter what language the application was developed in?

Thank you very much.

It does not matter. In result it is iOS application.