ERROR webdriver: Request failed with status 405 due to unknown method: Method is not implemented

i use appium with ios real device with wdio.
i try to run the following code :slight_smile:
await driver.pause(5000);
let ele= some element;
let ex =await (await ele).isExisting();
await console.log(ex);
let dis=await (await ele).isDisplayedInViewport();
await console.log(dis);

this is working for me!! because element is not displayed yet!!

console for the code above:

[0-0] true
[0-0] false
console.log(“before scrolling”)
swipe function X3 :

rollScrollViewUp: async function () {
if (driver.isIOS) {
await driver.execute(“mobile: swipe”, {
element: $(//XCUIElementTypeScrollView).elementId,
direction: “up”,
} else {
android= new UiScrollable(new UiSelector().className("android.widget.ScrollView")).scrollForward(100)

– here the element is existing on screen!!

    console.log("after scrolling")
    ex =await (await ele).isExisting();
    await console.log(ex);
    await (await ele).isDisplayedInViewport();
    await  console.log(dis); 

and i got this error :

[0-0] RUNNING in IOS - /test/specs/oronTest.js
[0-0] 2022-03-08T12:28:13.285Z WARN webdriver: Request failed with status 405 due to Method is not implemented
[0-0] 2022-03-08T12:28:13.293Z WARN webdriver: Request failed with status 405 due to Method is not implemented
[0-0] 2022-03-08T12:28:13.298Z WARN webdriver: Request failed with status 405 due to Method is not implemented
[0-0] 2022-03-08T12:28:13.303Z ERROR webdriver: Request failed with status 405 due to unknown method: Method is not implemented
[0-0] NotImplementedError: Method is not implemented
[0-0] at XCUITestDriver.execute

any ideas why if element exist i got this error and if not it print that no and every thing is ok like the first part of the code??