Exception in thread "main" org.openqa.selenium.remote.UnreachableBrowserException: Could not start a new session. Possible causes are invalid address of the remote server or browser start-up failure

Im trying to run Appium with Eclipse using Emulator and get this error and don’t know what to do. Could somebody help me.

import static org.junit.Assert.*;

import java.io.File;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;

import org.junit.Test;
import org.openqa.selenium.remote.DesiredCapabilities;

import io.appium.java_client.android.AndroidDriver;
import io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileCapabilityType;
import io.appium.java_client.remote.MobilePlatform;

public class desiredcapab {

public void test() throws MalformedURLException, InterruptedException {
	File appDir = new File("src");
File app = new File(appDir, "base.apk");

DesiredCapabilities cap= new DesiredCapabilities();
cap.setCapability(MobileCapabilityType.PLATFORM_NAME, MobilePlatform.ANDROID);
cap.setCapability(MobileCapabilityType.DEVICE_NAME, "Android Emulator");

cap.setCapability(MobileCapabilityType.APP, app.getAbsolutePath());

AndroidDriver driver = new AndroidDriver(new URL(""), cap);



AndroidDriver driver = new AndroidDriver(new URL(“”), cap);

I still get same error

My appium server logs:

Appium server process ended
Launching Appium server with command: C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node.exe lib\server\main.js --address --port 5555 --pre-launch --platform-name Android --platform-version 23 --automation-name Appium --log-no-color
info: [debug] Starting Appium in pre-launch mode
info: Pre-launching app
info: [debug] No appActivity desired capability or server param. Parsing from apk.
info: [debug] No appPackage desired capability or server param. Parsing from apk.
error: No app set; either start appium with --app or pass in an ‘app’ value in desired capabilities, or set androidPackage to launch pre-existing app on device
info: [debug] Got configuration error, not starting session
info: [debug] Cleaning up appium session
error: Could not pre-launch appium: Error: No app set; either start appium with --app or pass in an ‘app’ value in desired capabilities, or set androidPackage to launch pre-existing app on device

Appium server process ended
Launching Appium server with command: C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node.exe lib\server\main.js --address --port 4723 --platform-name Android --platform-version 23 --automation-name Appium --log-no-color
info: Welcome to Appium v1.4.16 (REV ae6877eff263066b26328d457bd285c0cc62430d)
info: Appium REST http interface listener started on
info: [debug] Non-default server args: {“address”:“”,“logNoColors”:true,“platformName”:“Android”,“platformVersion”:“23”,“automationName”:“Appium”}
info: Console LogLevel: debug

It looks like Appium is exiting shortly after starting. What happens if you omit the “–pre-launch” option?

I unchecked appium settings and still happens.

I checked pre-launched settings in Appium still hapennin.g

Can you post your updated set up code and complete Appium logs together?

I’m currently not sure if you are trying to use or, and whether you have the --pre-launch option added or not. I need 1 post with a set of consistent information.

import static org.junit.Assert.*;

import java.io.File;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;

import org.junit.Test;
import org.openqa.selenium.remote.DesiredCapabilities;

import io.appium.java_client.android.AndroidDriver;
import io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileCapabilityType;
import io.appium.java_client.remote.MobilePlatform;

public class desiredcapab {

public void test() throws MalformedURLException, InterruptedException {
	File appDir = new File("src");
File app = new File(appDir, "base.apk");

DesiredCapabilities cap= new DesiredCapabilities();
cap.setCapability(MobileCapabilityType.PLATFORM_NAME, MobilePlatform.ANDROID);
cap.setCapability(MobileCapabilityType.DEVICE_NAME, "Android Emulator");

cap.setCapability(MobileCapabilityType.APP, app.getAbsolutePath());

AndroidDriver driver = new AndroidDriver(new URL(""), cap);



Appium Server Logs:

Checking if an update is available
Update not available
Launching Appium server with command: C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node.exe lib\server\main.js --address --port 4723 --pre-launch --platform-name Android --platform-version 23 --automation-name Appium --log-no-color
info: [debug] Starting Appium in pre-launch mode
info: Pre-launching app
info: [debug] No appActivity desired capability or server param. Parsing from apk.
info: [debug] No appPackage desired capability or server param. Parsing from apk.
info: [debug] Got configuration error, not starting session
info: [debug] Cleaning up appium session

error: No app set; either start appium with --app or pass in an ‘app’ value in desired capabilities, or set androidPackage to launch pre-existing app on device
error: Could not pre-launch appium: Error: No app set; either start appium with --app or pass in an ‘app’ value in desired capabilities, or set androidPackage to launch pre-existing app on device

Appium server process ended
Launching Appium server with command: C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node.exe lib\server\main.js --address --port 4723 --pre-launch --platform-name Android --platform-version 23 --automation-name Appium --log-no-color
info: [debug] Starting Appium in pre-launch mode
info: Pre-launching app
info: [debug] No appActivity desired capability or server param. Parsing from apk.
info: [debug] No appPackage desired capability or server param. Parsing from apk.
error: No app set; either start appium with --app or pass in an ‘app’ value in desired capabilities, or set androidPackage to launch pre-existing app on device
info: [debug] Got configuration error, not starting session
info: [debug] Cleaning up appium session
error: Could not pre-launch appium: Error: No app set; either start appium with --app or pass in an ‘app’ value in desired capabilities, or set androidPackage to launch pre-existing app on device

Appium server process ended
Launching Appium server with command: C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node.exe lib\server\main.js --address --port 4723 --pre-launch --platform-name Android --platform-version 23 --automation-name Appium --log-no-color
info: [debug] Starting Appium in pre-launch mode
info: Pre-launching app
info: [debug] No appActivity desired capability or server param. Parsing from apk.
info: [debug] No appPackage desired capability or server param. Parsing from apk.
error: No app set; either start appium with --app or pass in an ‘app’ value in desired capabilities, or set androidPackage to launch pre-existing app on device
info: [debug] Got configuration error, not starting session
info: [debug] Cleaning up appium session
error: Could not pre-launch appium: Error: No app set; either start appium with --app or pass in an ‘app’ value in desired capabilities, or set androidPackage to launch pre-existing app on device

Appium server process ended
Launching Appium server with command: C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node.exe lib\server\main.js --address --port 4723 --pre-launch --platform-name Android --platform-version 23 --automation-name Appium --log-no-color
info: [debug] Starting Appium in pre-launch mode
info: Pre-launching app
info: [debug] No appActivity desired capability or server param. Parsing from apk.
info: [debug] No appPackage desired capability or server param. Parsing from apk.
error: No app set; either start appium with --app or pass in an ‘app’ value in desired capabilities, or set androidPackage to launch pre-existing app on device
info: [debug] Got configuration error, not starting session
info: [debug] Cleaning up appium session
error: Could not pre-launch appium: Error: No app set; either start appium with --app or pass in an ‘app’ value in desired capabilities, or set androidPackage to launch pre-existing app on device

Appium server process ended
Launching Appium server with command: C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node.exe lib\server\main.js --address --port 4723 --pre-launch --platform-name Android --platform-version 23 --automation-name Appium --log-no-color
info: [debug] Starting Appium in pre-launch mode
info: Pre-launching app
info: [debug] No appActivity desired capability or server param. Parsing from apk.
info: [debug] No appPackage desired capability or server param. Parsing from apk.
error: No app set; either start appium with --app or pass in an ‘app’ value in desired capabilities, or set androidPackage to launch pre-existing app on device
info: [debug] Got configuration error, not starting session
info: [debug] Cleaning up appium session
error: Could not pre-launch appium: Error: No app set; either start appium with --app or pass in an ‘app’ value in desired capabilities, or set androidPackage to launch pre-existing app on device

Appium server process ended
Launching Appium server with command: C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node.exe lib\server\main.js --address --port 4723 --pre-launch --platform-name Android --platform-version 23 --automation-name Appium --log-no-color
Killed Node Server.
Appium server process ended
Launching Appium server with command: C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node.exe lib\server\main.js --address --port 4723 --pre-launch --platform-name Android --platform-version 23 --automation-name Appium --log-no-color
info: [debug] Starting Appium in pre-launch mode
info: Pre-launching app
info: [debug] No appActivity desired capability or server param. Parsing from apk.
info: [debug] No appPackage desired capability or server param. Parsing from apk.
error: No app set; either start appium with --app or pass in an ‘app’ value in desired capabilities, or set androidPackage to launch pre-existing app on device
info: [debug] Got configuration error, not starting session
info: [debug] Cleaning up appium session
error: Could not pre-launch appium: Error: No app set; either start appium with --app or pass in an ‘app’ value in desired capabilities, or set androidPackage to launch pre-existing app on device

Appium server process ended
Launching Appium server with command: C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node.exe lib\server\main.js --address --port 4723 --pre-launch --platform-name Android --platform-version 23 --automation-name Appium --log-no-color
info: [debug] Starting Appium in pre-launch mode
info: Pre-launching app
info: [debug] No appActivity desired capability or server param. Parsing from apk.
info: [debug] No appPackage desired capability or server param. Parsing from apk.
error: No app set; either start appium with --app or pass in an ‘app’ value in desired capabilities, or set androidPackage to launch pre-existing app on device
info: [debug] Got configuration error, not starting session
info: [debug] Cleaning up appium session
error: Could not pre-launch appium: Error: No app set; either start appium with --app or pass in an ‘app’ value in desired capabilities, or set androidPackage to launch pre-existing app on device

Appium server process ended
Launching Appium server with command: C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node.exe lib\server\main.js --address --port 4723 --pre-launch --platform-name Android --platform-version 23 --automation-name Appium --log-no-color
info: [debug] Starting Appium in pre-launch mode
info: Pre-launching app
info: [debug] No appActivity desired capability or server param. Parsing from apk.
info: [debug] No appPackage desired capability or server param. Parsing from apk.
error: No app set; either start appium with --app or pass in an ‘app’ value in desired capabilities, or set androidPackage to launch pre-existing app on device
info: [debug] Got configuration error, not starting session
info: [debug] Cleaning up appium session
error: Could not pre-launch appium: Error: No app set; either start appium with --app or pass in an ‘app’ value in desired capabilities, or set androidPackage to launch pre-existing app on device

Appium server process ended
Launching Appium server with command: C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node.exe lib\server\main.js --address --port 5555 --pre-launch --platform-name Android --platform-version 23 --automation-name Appium --log-no-color
Killed Node Server.
Appium server process ended
Launching Appium server with command: C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node.exe lib\server\main.js --address --port 5555 --pre-launch --platform-name Android --platform-version 23 --automation-name Appium --log-no-color
info: [debug] Starting Appium in pre-launch mode
info: Pre-launching app
info: [debug] No appActivity desired capability or server param. Parsing from apk.
info: [debug] No appPackage desired capability or server param. Parsing from apk.
error: No app set; either start appium with --app or pass in an ‘app’ value in desired capabilities, or set androidPackage to launch pre-existing app on device
info: [debug] Got configuration error, not starting session
info: [debug] Cleaning up appium session
error: Could not pre-launch appium: Error: No app set; either start appium with --app or pass in an ‘app’ value in desired capabilities, or set androidPackage to launch pre-existing app on device

Appium server process ended
Launching Appium server with command: C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node.exe lib\server\main.js --address --port 5555 --pre-launch --platform-name Android --platform-version 23 --automation-name Appium --log-no-color
info: [debug] Starting Appium in pre-launch mode
info: Pre-launching app
info: [debug] No appActivity desired capability or server param. Parsing from apk.
info: [debug] No appPackage desired capability or server param. Parsing from apk.
error: No app set; either start appium with --app or pass in an ‘app’ value in desired capabilities, or set androidPackage to launch pre-existing app on device
info: [debug] Got configuration error, not starting session
info: [debug] Cleaning up appium session
error: Could not pre-launch appium: Error: No app set; either start appium with --app or pass in an ‘app’ value in desired capabilities, or set androidPackage to launch pre-existing app on device

Appium server process ended
Launching Appium server with command: C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node.exe lib\server\main.js --address --port 4723 --platform-name Android --platform-version 23 --automation-name Appium --log-no-color
info: Welcome to Appium v1.4.16 (REV ae6877eff263066b26328d457bd285c0cc62430d)
info: Appium REST http interface listener started on
info: [debug] Non-default server args: {“address”:“”,“logNoColors”:true,“platformName”:“Android”,“platformVersion”:“23”,“automationName”:“Appium”}
info: Console LogLevel: debug
Killed Node Server.
Appium server process ended
Launching Appium server with command: C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node.exe lib\server\main.js --address --port 4723 --platform-name Android --platform-version 23 --automation-name Appium --log-no-color
Killed Node Server.
Appium server process ended
Launching Appium server with command: C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node.exe lib\server\main.js --address --port 4723 --pre-launch --platform-name Android --platform-version 23 --automation-name Appium --log-no-color
info: [debug] Starting Appium in pre-launch mode
info: Pre-launching app
info: [debug] No appActivity desired capability or server param. Parsing from apk.
info: [debug] No appPackage desired capability or server param. Parsing from apk.
error: No app set; either start appium with --app or pass in an ‘app’ value in desired capabilities, or set androidPackage to launch pre-existing app on device
info: [debug] Got configuration error, not starting session
info: [debug] Cleaning up appium session
error: Could not pre-launch appium: Error: No app set; either start appium with --app or pass in an ‘app’ value in desired capabilities, or set androidPackage to launch pre-existing app on device

Appium server process ended
Launching Appium server with command: C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node.exe lib\server\main.js --address --port 4723 --pre-launch --platform-name Android --platform-version 23 --automation-name Appium --log-no-color
info: [debug] Starting Appium in pre-launch mode
error: No app set; either start appium with --app or pass in an ‘app’ value in desired capabilities, or set androidPackage to launch pre-existing app on device
info: [debug] No appActivity desired capability or server param. Parsing from apk.
info: [debug] No appPackage desired capability or server param. Parsing from apk.
info: [debug] Got configuration error, not starting session
info: [debug] Cleaning up appium session

Appium server process ended

I’m seeing the --pre-launch option specified on a lot of those starts. Appium terminates itself for me when I try launching with the --pre-launch option. Are you sure you’ve unchecked the prelaunch option in Appium’s settings/

Checking if an update is available
Update not available
Launching Appium server with command: C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node.exe lib\server\main.js --address --port 4723 --pre-launch --platform-name Android --platform-version 23 --automation-name Appium --log-no-color
info: [debug] Starting Appium in pre-launch mode
info: Pre-launching app
info: [debug] No appActivity desired capability or server param. Parsing from apk.
info: [debug] No appPackage desired capability or server param. Parsing from apk.
info: [debug] Got configuration error, not starting session
info: [debug] Cleaning up appium session

error: No app set; either start appium with --app or pass in an ‘app’ value in desired capabilities, or set androidPackage to launch pre-existing app on device
error: Could not pre-launch appium: Error: No app set; either start appium with --app or pass in an ‘app’ value in desired capabilities, or set androidPackage to launch pre-existing app on device

Appium server process ended
Launching Appium server with command: C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node.exe lib\server\main.js --address --port 4723 --pre-launch --platform-name Android --platform-version 23 --automation-name Appium --log-no-color
info: [debug] Starting Appium in pre-launch mode
info: Pre-launching app
info: [debug] No appActivity desired capability or server param. Parsing from apk.
info: [debug] No appPackage desired capability or server param. Parsing from apk.
error: No app set; either start appium with --app or pass in an ‘app’ value in desired capabilities, or set androidPackage to launch pre-existing app on device
info: [debug] Got configuration error, not starting session
info: [debug] Cleaning up appium session
error: Could not pre-launch appium: Error: No app set; either start appium with --app or pass in an ‘app’ value in desired capabilities, or set androidPackage to launch pre-existing app on device

Appium server process ended
Launching Appium server with command: C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node.exe lib\server\main.js --address --port 4723 --pre-launch --platform-name Android --platform-version 23 --automation-name Appium --log-no-color
info: [debug] Starting Appium in pre-launch mode
info: Pre-launching app
info: [debug] No appActivity desired capability or server param. Parsing from apk.
info: [debug] No appPackage desired capability or server param. Parsing from apk.
error: No app set; either start appium with --app or pass in an ‘app’ value in desired capabilities, or set androidPackage to launch pre-existing app on device
info: [debug] Got configuration error, not starting session
info: [debug] Cleaning up appium session
error: Could not pre-launch appium: Error: No app set; either start appium with --app or pass in an ‘app’ value in desired capabilities, or set androidPackage to launch pre-existing app on device

Appium server process ended
Launching Appium server with command: C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node.exe lib\server\main.js --address --port 4723 --pre-launch --platform-name Android --platform-version 23 --automation-name Appium --log-no-color
info: [debug] Starting Appium in pre-launch mode
info: Pre-launching app
info: [debug] No appActivity desired capability or server param. Parsing from apk.
info: [debug] No appPackage desired capability or server param. Parsing from apk.
error: No app set; either start appium with --app or pass in an ‘app’ value in desired capabilities, or set androidPackage to launch pre-existing app on device
info: [debug] Got configuration error, not starting session
info: [debug] Cleaning up appium session
error: Could not pre-launch appium: Error: No app set; either start appium with --app or pass in an ‘app’ value in desired capabilities, or set androidPackage to launch pre-existing app on device

Appium server process ended
Launching Appium server with command: C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node.exe lib\server\main.js --address --port 4723 --pre-launch --platform-name Android --platform-version 23 --automation-name Appium --log-no-color
info: [debug] Starting Appium in pre-launch mode
info: Pre-launching app
info: [debug] No appActivity desired capability or server param. Parsing from apk.
info: [debug] No appPackage desired capability or server param. Parsing from apk.
error: No app set; either start appium with --app or pass in an ‘app’ value in desired capabilities, or set androidPackage to launch pre-existing app on device
info: [debug] Got configuration error, not starting session
info: [debug] Cleaning up appium session
error: Could not pre-launch appium: Error: No app set; either start appium with --app or pass in an ‘app’ value in desired capabilities, or set androidPackage to launch pre-existing app on device

Appium server process ended
Launching Appium server with command: C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node.exe lib\server\main.js --address --port 4723 --pre-launch --platform-name Android --platform-version 23 --automation-name Appium --log-no-color
Killed Node Server.
Appium server process ended
Launching Appium server with command: C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node.exe lib\server\main.js --address --port 4723 --pre-launch --platform-name Android --platform-version 23 --automation-name Appium --log-no-color
info: [debug] Starting Appium in pre-launch mode
info: Pre-launching app
info: [debug] No appActivity desired capability or server param. Parsing from apk.
info: [debug] No appPackage desired capability or server param. Parsing from apk.
error: No app set; either start appium with --app or pass in an ‘app’ value in desired capabilities, or set androidPackage to launch pre-existing app on device
info: [debug] Got configuration error, not starting session
info: [debug] Cleaning up appium session
error: Could not pre-launch appium: Error: No app set; either start appium with --app or pass in an ‘app’ value in desired capabilities, or set androidPackage to launch pre-existing app on device

Appium server process ended
Launching Appium server with command: C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node.exe lib\server\main.js --address --port 4723 --pre-launch --platform-name Android --platform-version 23 --automation-name Appium --log-no-color
info: [debug] Starting Appium in pre-launch mode
info: Pre-launching app
info: [debug] No appActivity desired capability or server param. Parsing from apk.
info: [debug] No appPackage desired capability or server param. Parsing from apk.
error: No app set; either start appium with --app or pass in an ‘app’ value in desired capabilities, or set androidPackage to launch pre-existing app on device
info: [debug] Got configuration error, not starting session
info: [debug] Cleaning up appium session
error: Could not pre-launch appium: Error: No app set; either start appium with --app or pass in an ‘app’ value in desired capabilities, or set androidPackage to launch pre-existing app on device

Appium server process ended
Launching Appium server with command: C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node.exe lib\server\main.js --address --port 4723 --pre-launch --platform-name Android --platform-version 23 --automation-name Appium --log-no-color
info: [debug] Starting Appium in pre-launch mode
info: Pre-launching app
info: [debug] No appActivity desired capability or server param. Parsing from apk.
info: [debug] No appPackage desired capability or server param. Parsing from apk.
error: No app set; either start appium with --app or pass in an ‘app’ value in desired capabilities, or set androidPackage to launch pre-existing app on device
info: [debug] Got configuration error, not starting session
info: [debug] Cleaning up appium session
error: Could not pre-launch appium: Error: No app set; either start appium with --app or pass in an ‘app’ value in desired capabilities, or set androidPackage to launch pre-existing app on device

Appium server process ended
Launching Appium server with command: C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node.exe lib\server\main.js --address --port 5555 --pre-launch --platform-name Android --platform-version 23 --automation-name Appium --log-no-color
Killed Node Server.
Appium server process ended
Launching Appium server with command: C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node.exe lib\server\main.js --address --port 5555 --pre-launch --platform-name Android --platform-version 23 --automation-name Appium --log-no-color
info: [debug] Starting Appium in pre-launch mode
info: Pre-launching app
info: [debug] No appActivity desired capability or server param. Parsing from apk.
info: [debug] No appPackage desired capability or server param. Parsing from apk.
error: No app set; either start appium with --app or pass in an ‘app’ value in desired capabilities, or set androidPackage to launch pre-existing app on device
info: [debug] Got configuration error, not starting session
info: [debug] Cleaning up appium session
error: Could not pre-launch appium: Error: No app set; either start appium with --app or pass in an ‘app’ value in desired capabilities, or set androidPackage to launch pre-existing app on device

Appium server process ended
Launching Appium server with command: C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node.exe lib\server\main.js --address --port 5555 --pre-launch --platform-name Android --platform-version 23 --automation-name Appium --log-no-color
info: [debug] Starting Appium in pre-launch mode
info: Pre-launching app
info: [debug] No appActivity desired capability or server param. Parsing from apk.
info: [debug] No appPackage desired capability or server param. Parsing from apk.
error: No app set; either start appium with --app or pass in an ‘app’ value in desired capabilities, or set androidPackage to launch pre-existing app on device
info: [debug] Got configuration error, not starting session
info: [debug] Cleaning up appium session
error: Could not pre-launch appium: Error: No app set; either start appium with --app or pass in an ‘app’ value in desired capabilities, or set androidPackage to launch pre-existing app on device

Appium server process ended
Launching Appium server with command: C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node.exe lib\server\main.js --address --port 4723 --platform-name Android --platform-version 23 --automation-name Appium --log-no-color
info: Welcome to Appium v1.4.16 (REV ae6877eff263066b26328d457bd285c0cc62430d)
info: Appium REST http interface listener started on
info: [debug] Non-default server args: {“address”:“”,“logNoColors”:true,“platformName”:“Android”,“platformVersion”:“23”,“automationName”:“Appium”}
info: Console LogLevel: debug
Killed Node Server.
Appium server process ended
Launching Appium server with command: C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node.exe lib\server\main.js --address --port 4723 --platform-name Android --platform-version 23 --automation-name Appium --log-no-color
Killed Node Server.
Appium server process ended
Launching Appium server with command: C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node.exe lib\server\main.js --address --port 4723 --pre-launch --platform-name Android --platform-version 23 --automation-name Appium --log-no-color
info: [debug] Starting Appium in pre-launch mode
info: Pre-launching app
info: [debug] No appActivity desired capability or server param. Parsing from apk.
info: [debug] No appPackage desired capability or server param. Parsing from apk.
error: No app set; either start appium with --app or pass in an ‘app’ value in desired capabilities, or set androidPackage to launch pre-existing app on device
info: [debug] Got configuration error, not starting session
info: [debug] Cleaning up appium session
error: Could not pre-launch appium: Error: No app set; either start appium with --app or pass in an ‘app’ value in desired capabilities, or set androidPackage to launch pre-existing app on device

Appium server process ended
Launching Appium server with command: C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node.exe lib\server\main.js --address --port 4723 --pre-launch --platform-name Android --platform-version 23 --automation-name Appium --log-no-color
info: [debug] Starting Appium in pre-launch mode
error: No app set; either start appium with --app or pass in an ‘app’ value in desired capabilities, or set androidPackage to launch pre-existing app on device
info: [debug] No appActivity desired capability or server param. Parsing from apk.
info: [debug] No appPackage desired capability or server param. Parsing from apk.
info: [debug] Got configuration error, not starting session
info: [debug] Cleaning up appium session

Appium server process ended

It’s working but is it suppose to open an app.

info: Java version is: 1.8.0_71
error: Unhandled error: Error: ENOENT, no such file or directory ‘C:\Users\vovan\AppData\Local\Android\sdk;C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk;C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\build-tools’
at Error (native)
at Object.fs.readdirSync (fs.js:761:18)
at exports.getDirectories (C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node_modules\appium\node_modules\appium-adb\lib\helpers.js:100:18)
at [object Object].ADB.checkSdkBinaryPresent (C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node_modules\appium\node_modules\appium-adb\lib\adb.js:97:25)
at [object Object].ADB.checkAdbPresent (C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node_modules\appium\node_modules\appium-adb\lib\adb.js:134:8)
info: [debug] Checking whether adb is present
at [object Object].androidCommon.initAdb (C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node_modules\appium\lib\devices\android\android-common.js:1083:9)
at C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node_modules\appium\node_modules\async\lib\async.js:607:21
at C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node_modules\appium\node_modules\async\lib\async.js:246:17
at iterate (C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node_modules\appium\node_modules\async\lib\async.js:146:13)
at C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node_modules\appium\node_modules\async\lib\async.js:157:25
at C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node_modules\appium\node_modules\async\lib\async.js:248:21
at C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node_modules\appium\node_modules\async\lib\async.js:612:34
at [object Object]. (C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node_modules\appium\lib\devices\android\android-common.js:1077:12)
at [object Object]. (C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node_modules\appium\lib\devices\android\android-common.js:1064:12)
at ChildProcess.exithandler (child_process.js:742:7)
at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:110:17)
at maybeClose (child_process.js:1016:16)
at Socket. (child_process.js:1184:11)
at Socket.emit (events.js:107:17)
at Pipe.close (net.js:484:11) context: [POST /wd/hub/session {“desiredCapabilities”:{“app”:“C:\Users\vovan\workspace\Appiumintro\AppiumVova\Appium_Final\src\base.apk”,“platformName”:“Android”,“deviceName”:“Android Emulator”}}]

Do you have an ANDROID_HOME environment variable set? Do you have the Android SDK downloaded and installed?

Yes its set to: SDK and to PLATFORM-TOOLS

Hmm… Do you have two copies of the Android SDK downloaded and installed?

Try setting ANDROID_HOME to just one of those two paths. Appium might be getting confused since it might be treating that entire string as a single path somewhere.

Yes I do.
Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk

Its running but the app would not open.

If you see the same error as the error shown in your last posted log, you might want to double-check that ANDROID_HOME is set to only 1 of the 2 Android SDK installations you have.

Checking if an update is available
Update not available
Launching Appium server with command: C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node.exe lib\server\main.js --address --port 4723 --platform-name Android --platform-version 23 --automation-name Appium --log-no-color

error: Couldn’t start Appium REST http interface listener. Requested port is already in use. Please make sure there’s no other instance of Appium running already.

Appium server process ended
Launching Appium server with command: C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node.exe lib\server\main.js --address --port 4723 --platform-name Android --platform-version 23 --automation-name Appium --log-no-color
info: Welcome to Appium v1.4.16 (REV ae6877eff263066b26328d457bd285c0cc62430d)
info: Appium REST http interface listener started on
info: [debug] Non-default server args: {“address”:“”,“logNoColors”:true,“platformName”:“Android”,“platformVersion”:“23”,“automationName”:“Appium”}
info: Console LogLevel: debug
info: → POST /wd/hub/session {“desiredCapabilities”:{“app”:“C:\Users\vovan\workspace\Appiumintro\AppiumVova\Appium_Final\src\base.apk”,“platformName”:“Android”,“deviceName”:“Android Emulator”}}
info: Client User-Agent string: Apache-HttpClient/4.5.1 (Java/1.8.0_71)
info: [debug] No appActivity desired capability or server param. Parsing from apk.
info: [debug] No appPackage desired capability or server param. Parsing from apk.
info: [debug] Using local app from desired caps: C:\Users\vovan\workspace\Appiumintro\AppiumVova\Appium_Final\src\base.apk
info: [debug] Creating new appium session 362701e7-966a-4734-9acf-506317f09d62
info: Starting android appium
info: [debug] Getting Java version
info: Java version is: 1.8.0_71
info: [debug] Checking whether adb is present
info: [debug] Using adb from C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe
info: [debug] Parsing package and activity from app manifest
info: [debug] Checking whether aapt is present
info: [debug] Using aapt from C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\build-tools\24.0.0-preview\aapt.exe
info: [debug] Extracting package and launch activity from manifest.
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\build-tools\24.0.0-preview\aapt.exe” dump badging C:\Users\vovan\workspace\Appiumintro\AppiumVova\Appium_Final\src\base.apk
info: [debug] badging package: com.att.android.mobile.attmessages
info: [debug] badging act: com.att.ui.screen.ConversationListScreen
info: [debug] Parsed package and activity are: com.att.android.mobile.attmessages/com.att.ui.screen.ConversationListScreen
info: [debug] Using fast reset? true
info: [debug] Preparing device for session
info: [debug] Checking whether app is actually present
info: Retrieving device
info: [debug] Trying to find a connected android device
info: [debug] Getting connected devices…
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” devices
info: [debug] 1 device(s) connected
info: Found device
info: [debug] Setting device id to
info: [debug] Waiting for device to be ready and to respond to shell commands (timeout = 5)
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” -s wait-for-device
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” -s shell “echo ‘ready’”
info: [debug] Starting logcat capture
info: [debug] Getting device API level
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” -s shell “getprop ro.build.version.sdk”
info: [debug] Device is at API Level 23
info: Device API level is: 23
info: [debug] Extracting strings for language: default
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” -s shell “getprop persist.sys.language”
info: [debug] Current device persist.sys.language:
info: [debug] java -jar “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node_modules\appium\node_modules\appium-adb\jars\appium_apk_tools.jar” “stringsFromApk” “C:\Users\vovan\workspace\Appiumintro\AppiumVova\Appium_Final\src\base.apk” “C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\com.att.android.mobile.attmessages”
info: [debug] Reading strings from converted strings.json
info: [debug] Setting language to default
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” -s push “C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\com.att.android.mobile.attmessages\strings.json” /data/local/tmp
info: [debug] Checking whether aapt is present
info: [debug] Using aapt from C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\build-tools\24.0.0-preview\aapt.exe
info: [debug] Retrieving process from manifest.
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\build-tools\24.0.0-preview\aapt.exe” dump xmltree C:\Users\vovan\workspace\Appiumintro\AppiumVova\Appium_Final\src\base.apk AndroidManifest.xml
info: [debug] Set app process to: com.att.android.mobile.attmessages
info: [debug] Not uninstalling app since server not started with --full-reset
info: [debug] Checking app cert for C:\Users\vovan\workspace\Appiumintro\AppiumVova\Appium_Final\src\base.apk.
info: [debug] executing cmd: java -jar “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node_modules\appium\node_modules\appium-adb\jars\verify.jar” C:\Users\vovan\workspace\Appiumintro\AppiumVova\Appium_Final\src\base.apk
info: [debug] App not signed with debug cert.
info: [debug] Resigning apk.
info: [debug] executing cmd: java -jar “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node_modules\appium\node_modules\appium-adb\jars\sign.jar” C:\Users\vovan\workspace\Appiumintro\AppiumVova\Appium_Final\src\base.apk --override
info: [debug] Zip-aligning C:\Users\vovan\workspace\Appiumintro\AppiumVova\Appium_Final\src\base.apk
info: [debug] Checking whether zipalign is present
info: [debug] Using zipalign from C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\build-tools\24.0.0-preview\zipalign.exe
info: [debug] Zip-aligning apk.
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\build-tools\24.0.0-preview\zipalign.exe” -f 4 C:\Users\vovan\workspace\Appiumintro\AppiumVova\Appium_Final\src\base.apk C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\116321-5208-1g2bqu\appium.tmp
info: [debug] MD5 for app is 5ded29e09505914602a607073238a85c
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” -s shell “ls /data/local/tmp/5ded29e09505914602a607073238a85c.apk”
info: [debug] Getting install status for com.att.android.mobile.attmessages
info: [debug] Getting device API level
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” -s shell “getprop ro.build.version.sdk”
info: [debug] Device is at API Level 23
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” -s shell “pm list packages -3 com.att.android.mobile.attmessages”
info: [debug] App is installed
info: Installing App
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” -s shell “mkdir -p /data/local/tmp/”
info: [debug] Removing any old apks
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” -s shell “ls /data/local/tmp/*.apk”
info: [debug] No apks to examine
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” -s push “C:\Users\vovan\workspace\Appiumintro\AppiumVova\Appium_Final\src\base.apk” /data/local/tmp/5ded29e09505914602a607073238a85c.apk
info: [debug] Uninstalling com.att.android.mobile.attmessages
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” -s shell “am force-stop com.att.android.mobile.attmessages”
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” -s uninstall com.att.android.mobile.attmessages
info: [debug] App was uninstalled
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” -s shell “pm install -r /data/local/tmp/5ded29e09505914602a607073238a85c.apk”
info: [debug] Logcat terminated with code 0, signal null
info: [debug] Forwarding system:4724 to device:4724
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” -s forward tcp:4724 tcp:4724
info: error sending command, reconnecting device and retrying: forward tcp:4724 tcp:4724
info: [debug] Trying to find a connected android device
info: [debug] Getting connected devices…
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” -s devices
info: [debug] 0 device(s) connected
info: [debug] Could not find devices, restarting adb server…
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” -s kill-server
info: [debug] Getting connected devices…
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” -s devices
info: [debug] Could not find devices, restarting adb server…
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” -s kill-server
info: [debug] Getting connected devices…
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” -s devices
info: [debug] Could not find devices, restarting adb server…
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” -s kill-server
info: [debug] Getting connected devices…
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” -s devices
info: [debug] Could not find devices, restarting adb server…
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” -s kill-server
info: [debug] Getting connected devices…
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” -s devices
info: [debug] Could not find devices, restarting adb server…
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” -s kill-server
info: [debug] Getting connected devices…
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” -s devices
info: [debug] Could not find devices, restarting adb server…
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” -s kill-server
info: [debug] Getting connected devices…
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” -s devices
info: [debug] Could not find devices, restarting adb server…
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” -s kill-server
info: [debug] Getting connected devices…
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” -s devices
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” -s “forward tcp:4724 tcp:4724”
info: [debug] Stopping logcat capture
info: [debug] Logcat already stopped
info: [debug] Sent shutdown command, waiting for UiAutomator to stop…
warn: UiAutomator did not shut down fast enough, calling it gone
info: [debug] Cleaning up android objects
info: [debug] Cleaning up appium session
error: Failed to start an Appium session, err was: Error: Command failed: C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /s /c "“C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” -s “forward tcp:4724 tcp:4724"”
Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.32
Revision 09a0d98bebce-android

-a - directs adb to listen on all interfaces for a connection
-d - directs command to the only connected USB device
returns an error if more than one USB device is present.
-e - directs command to the only running emulator.
returns an error if more than one emulator is running.
-s - directs command to the device or emulator with the given
serial number or qualifier. Overrides ANDROID_SERIAL
environment variable.
-p - simple product name like ‘sooner’, or
a relative/absolute path to a product
out directory like ‘out/target/product/sooner’.
If -p is not specified, the ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT
environment variable is used, which must
be an absolute path.
-H - Name of adb server host (default: localhost)
-P - Port of adb server (default: 5037)
devices [-l] - list all connected devices
(‘-l’ will also list device qualifiers)
connect [:] - connect to a device via TCP/IP
Port 5555 is used by default if no port number is specified.
disconnect [[:]] - disconnect from a TCP/IP device.
Port 5555 is used by default if no port number is specified.
Using this command with no additional arguments
will disconnect from all connected TCP/IP devices.

device commands:
adb push [-p]
- copy file/dir to device
(‘-p’ to display the transfer progress)
adb pull [-p] [-a] []
- copy file/dir from device
(‘-p’ to display the transfer progress)
(‘-a’ means copy timestamp and mode)
adb sync [ ] - copy host->device only if changed
(-l means list but don’t copy)
adb shell - run remote shell interactively
adb shell - run remote shell command
adb emu - run emulator console command
adb logcat [ ] - View device log
adb forward --list - list all forward socket connections.
the format is a list of lines with the following format:
" " " " “\n”
adb forward - forward socket connections
forward specs are one of:
jdwp: (remote only)
adb forward --no-rebind
- same as ‘adb forward ’ but fails
if is already forwarded
adb forward --remove - remove a specific forward socket connection
adb forward --remove-all - remove all forward socket connections
adb reverse --list - list all reverse socket connections from device
adb reverse - reverse socket connections
reverse specs are one of:
adb reverse --norebind
- same as ‘adb reverse ’ but fails
if is already reversed.
adb reverse --remove
- remove a specific reversed socket connection
adb reverse --remove-all - remove all reversed socket connections from device
adb jdwp - list PIDs of processes hosting a JDWP transport
adb install [-lrtsdg]
- push this package file to the device and install it
(-l: forward lock application)
(-r: replace existing application)
(-t: allow test packages)
(-s: install application on sdcard)
(-d: allow version code downgrade)
(-g: grant all runtime permissions)
adb install-multiple [-lrtsdpg] <file…>
- push this package file to the device and install it
(-l: forward lock application)
(-r: replace existing application)
(-t: allow test packages)
(-s: install application on sdcard)
(-d: allow version code downgrade)
(-p: partial application install)
(-g: grant all runtime permissions)
adb uninstall [-k] - remove this app package from the device
(‘-k’ means keep the data and cache directories)
adb bugreport - return all information from the device
that should be included in a bug report.

adb backup [-f ] [-apk|-noapk] [-obb|-noobb] [-shared|-noshared] [-all] [-system|-nosystem] [<packages…>]
- write an archive of the device’s data to .
If no -f option is supplied then the data is written
to “backup.ab” in the current directory.
(-apk|-noapk enable/disable backup of the .apks themselves
in the archive; the default is noapk.)
(-obb|-noobb enable/disable backup of any installed apk expansion
info: [debug] Error: Command failed: C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /s /c "“C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” -s “forward tcp:4724 tcp:4724"”
is noobb.)
(-shared|-noshared enable/disable backup of the device’s
shared storage / SD card contents; the default is noshared.)
(-all means to back up all installed applications)
(-system|-nosystem toggles whether -all automatically includes
system applications; the default is to include system apps)
(<packages…> is the list of applications to be backed up. If
the -all or -shared flags are passed, then the package
list is optional. Applications explicitly given on the
command line will be included even if -nosystem would
ordinarily cause them to be omitted.)

adb restore - restore device contents from the backup archive

adb disable-verity - disable dm-verity checking on USERDEBUG builds
adb enable-verity - re-enable dm-verity checking on USERDEBUG builds
adb keygen - generate adb public/private key. The private key is stored in ,
and the public key is stored in .pub. Any existing files
are overwritten.
adb help - show this help message
adb version - show version num

adb wait-for-device - block until device is online
adb start-server - ensure that there is a server running
adb kill-server - kill the server if it is running
adb get-state - prints: offline | bootloader | device
adb get-serialno - prints:
adb get-devpath - prints:
Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.32
adb remount - remounts the /system, /vendor (if present) and /oem (if present) partitions on the device read-write
Revision 09a0d98bebce-android
adb reboot [bootloader|recovery]

-a - directs adb to listen on all interfaces for a connection
-d - directs command to the only connected USB device
returns an error if more than one USB device is present.
-e - directs command to the only running emulator.
returns an error if more than one emulator is running.
-s - directs command to the device or emulator with the given
adb unroot - restarts the adbd daemon without root permissions
adb usb - restarts the adbd daemon listening on USB
adb tcpip - restarts the adbd daemon listening on TCP on the specified port

adb ppp [parameters] - Run PPP over USB.
a relative/absolute path to a product
out directory like ‘out/target/product/sooner’.
If -p is not specified, the ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT
environment variable is used, which must
be an absolute path.
-H - Name of adb server host (default: localhost)
-P - Port of adb server (default: 5037)

  • If is not specified, /system, /vendor (if present), /oem (if present) and /data partitions will be updated.

  • If it is “system”, “vendor”, “oem” or “data”, only the corresponding partition
    is updated.

disconnect [[:]] - disconnect from a TCP/IP device.
Port 5555 is used by default if no port number is specified.
Using this command with no additional arguments
ANDROID_SERIAL - The serial number to connect to. -s takes priority over this if given.
ANDROID_LOG_TAGS - When used with the logcat option, only these debug tags are printed.

                             will disconnect from all connected TCP/IP devices.

device commands:
adb push [-p]
- copy file/dir to device
(‘-p’ to display the transfer progress)
adb pull [-p] [-a] []
- copy file/dir from device
(‘-p’ to display the transfer progress)
(‘-a’ means copy timestamp and mode)
adb sync [ ] - copy host->device only if changed
(-l means list but don’t copy)
adb shell - run remote shell interactively
adb shell - run remote shell command
adb emu - run emulator console command
adb logcat [ ] - View device log
adb forward --list - list all forward socket connections.
the format is a list of lines with the following format:
" " " " “\n”
adb forward - forward socket connections
forward specs are one of:
jdwp: (remote only)
adb forward --no-rebind
- same as ‘adb forward ’ but fails
if is already forwarded
adb forward --remove - remove a specific forward socket connection
adb forward --remove-all - remove all forward socket connections
adb reverse --list - list all reverse socket connections from device
adb reverse - reverse socket connections
reverse specs are one of:
adb reverse --norebind
- same as ‘adb reverse ’ but fails
if is already reversed.
adb reverse --remove
- remove a specific reversed socket connection
adb reverse --remove-all - remove all reversed socket connections from device
adb jdwp - list PIDs of processes hosting a JDWP transport
adb install [-lrtsdg]
- push this package file to the device and install it
(-l: forward lock application)
(-r: replace existing application)
(-t: allow test packages)
(-s: install application on sdcard)
(-d: allow version code downgrade)
(-g: grant all runtime permissions)
adb install-multiple [-lrtsdpg] <file…>
- push this package file to the device and install it
(-l: forward lock application)
(-r: replace existing application)
(-t: allow test packages)
(-s: install application on sdcard)
(-d: allow version code downgrade)
(-p: partial application install)
(-g: grant all runtime permissions)
adb uninstall [-k] - remove this app package from the device
(‘-k’ means keep the data and cache directories)
adb bugreport - return all information from the device
that should be included in a bug report.

adb backup [-f ] [-apk|-noapk] [-obb|-noobb] [-shared|-noshared] [-all] [-system|-nosystem] [<packages…>]
- write an archive of the device’s data to .
If no -f option is supplied then the data is written
to “backup.ab” in the current directory.
(-apk|-noapk enable/disable backup of the .apks themselves
in the archive; the default is noapk.)
(-obb|-noobb enable/disable backup of any installed apk expansion
(aka .obb) files associated with each application; the default
is noobb.)
(-shared|-noshared enable/disable backup of the device’s
shared storage / SD card contents; the default is noshared.)
(-all means to back up all installed applications)
(-system|-nosystem toggles whether -all automatically includes
system applications; the default is to include system apps)
(<packages…> is the list of applications to be backed up. If
the -all or -shared flags are passed, then the package
list is optional. Applications explicitly given on the
command line will be included even if -nosystem would
ordinarily cause them to be omitted.)

adb restore - restore device contents from the backup archive

adb disable-verity - disable dm-verity checking on USERDEBUG builds
adb enable-verity - re-enable dm-verity checking on USERDEBUG builds
adb keygen - generate adb public/private key. The private key is stored in ,
and the public key is stored in .pub. Any existing files
are overwritten.
adb help - show this help message
adb version - show version num

adb wait-for-device - block until device is online
adb start-server - ensure that there is a server running
adb kill-server - kill the server if it is running
adb get-state - prints: offline | bootloader | device
adb get-serialno - prints:
adb get-devpath - prints:
adb remount - remounts the /system, /vendor (if present) and /oem (if present) partitions on the device read-write
adb reboot [bootloader|recovery]
- reboots the device, optionally into the bootloader or recovery program.
adb reboot sideload - reboots the device into the sideload mode in recovery program (adb root required).
adb reboot sideload-auto-reboot
- reboots into the sideload mode, then reboots automatically after the sideload regardless of the result.
adb sideload - sideloads the given package
adb root - restarts the adbd daemon with root permissions
adb unroot - restarts the adbd daemon without root permissions
adb usb - restarts the adbd daemon listening on USB
adb tcpip - restarts the adbd daemon listening on TCP on the specified port

adb ppp [parameters] - Run PPP over USB.
Note: you should not automatically start a PPP connection.
refers to the tty for PPP stream. Eg. dev:/dev/omap_csmi_tty1
[parameters] - Eg. defaultroute debug dump local notty usepeerdns

adb sync notes: adb sync [ ]
can be interpreted in several ways:

  • If is not specified, /system, /vendor (if present), /oem (if present) and /data partitions will be updated.

  • If it is “system”, “vendor”, “oem” or “data”, only the corresponding partition
    is updated.

environment variables:
ADB_TRACE - Print debug information. A comma separated list of the following values
1 or all, adb, sockets, packets, rwx, usb, sync, sysdeps, transport, jdwp
ANDROID_SERIAL - The serial number to connect to. -s takes priority over this if given.
ANDROID_LOG_TAGS - When used with the logcat option, only these debug tags are printed.

at ChildProcess.exithandler (child_process.js:751:12)
at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:110:17)
at maybeClose (child_process.js:1016:16)
at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (child_process.js:1088:5)

info: [debug] Responding to client with error: {“status”:33,“value”:{“message”:“A new session could not be created. (Original error: Command failed: C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /s /c ""C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe" -s "forward tcp:4724 tcp:4724""\nAndroid Debug Bridge version 1.0.32\r\nRevision 09a0d98bebce-android\r\n\r\n -a - directs adb to listen on all interfaces for a connection\r\n -d - directs command to the only connected USB device\r\n returns an error if more than one USB device is present.\r\n -e - directs command to the only running emulator.\r\n returns an error if more than one emulator is running.\r\n -s - directs command to the device or emulator with the given\r\n serial number or qualifier. Overrides ANDROID_SERIAL\r\n environment variable.\r\n -p - simple product name like ‘sooner’, or\r\n a relative/absolute path to a product\r\n out directory like ‘out/target/product/sooner’.\r\n If -p is not specified, the ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT\r\n environment variable is used, which must\r\n be an absolute path.\r\n -H - Name of adb server host (default: localhost)\r\n -P - Port of adb server (default: 5037)\r\n devices [-l] - list all connected devices\r\n (‘-l’ will also list device qualifiers)\r\n connect [:] - connect to a device via TCP/IP\r\n Port 5555 is used by default if no port number is specified.\r\n disconnect [[:]] - disconnect from a TCP/IP device.\r\n Port 5555 is used by default if no port number is specified.\r\n Using this command with no additional arguments\r\n will disconnect from all connected TCP/IP devices.\r\n\r\ndevice commands:\r\n adb push [-p] \r\n - copy file/dir to device\r\n (‘-p’ to display the transfer progress)\r\n adb pull [-p] [-a] []\r\n - copy file/dir from device\r\n (‘-p’ to display the transfer progress)\r\n (‘-a’ means copy timestamp and mode)\r\n adb sync [ ] - copy host->device only if changed\r\n (-l means list but don’t copy)\r\n adb shell - run remote shell interactively\r\n adb shell - run remote shell command\r\n adb emu - run emulator console command\r\n adb logcat [ ] - View device log\r\n adb forward --list - list all forward socket connections.\r\n the format is a list of lines with the following format:\r\n " " " " "\n"\r\n adb forward - forward socket connections\r\n forward specs are one of: \r\n tcp:\r\n localabstract:\r\n localreserved:\r\n localfilesystem:\r\n dev:\r\n jdwp: (remote only)\r\n adb forward --no-rebind \r\n - same as ‘adb forward ’ but fails\r\n if is already forwarded\r\n adb forward --remove - remove a specific forward socket connection\r\n adb forward --remove-all - remove all forward socket connections\r\n adb reverse --list - list all reverse socket connections from device\r\n adb reverse - reverse socket connections\r\n reverse specs are one of:\r\n tcp:\r\n localabstract:\r\n localreserved:\r\n localfilesystem:\r\n adb reverse --norebind \r\n - same as ‘adb reverse ’ but fails\r\n if is already reversed.\r\n adb reverse --remove \r\n - remove a specific reversed socket connection\r\n adb reverse --remove-all - remove all reversed socket connections from device\r\n adb jdwp - list PIDs of processes hosting a JDWP transport\r\n adb install [-lrtsdg] \r\n - push this package file to the device and install it\r\n (-l: forward lock application)\r\n (-r: replace existing application)\r\n (-t: allow test packages)\r\n (-s: install application on sdcard)\r\n (-d: allow version code downgrade)\r\n (-g: grant all runtime permissions)\r\n adb install-multiple [-lrtsdpg] <file…>\r\n - push this package file to the device and install it\r\n (-l: forward lock application)\r\n (-r: replace existing application)\r\n (-t: allow test packages)\r\n (-s: install application on sdcard)\r\n (-d: allow version code downgrade)\r\n (-p: partial application install)\r\n (-g: grant all runtime permissions)\r\n adb uninstall [-k] - remove this app package from the device\r\n (‘-k’ means keep the data and cache directories)\r\n adb bugreport - return all information from the device\r\n that should be included in a bug report.\r\n\r\n adb backup [-f ] [-apk|-noapk] [-obb|-noobb] [-shared|-noshared] [-all] [-system|-nosystem] [<packages…>]\r\n - write an archive of the device’s data to .\r\n If no -f option is supplied then the data is written\r\n to "backup.ab" in the current directory.\r\n (-apk|-noapk enable/disable backup of the .apks themselves\r\n in the archive; the default is noapk.)\r\n (-obb|-noobb enable/disable backup of any installed apk expansion\r\n (aka .obb) files associated with each application; the default\r\n is noobb.)\r\n (-shared|-noshared enable/disable backup of the device’s\r\n shared storage / SD card contents; the default is noshared.)\r\n (-all means to back up all installed applications)\r\n (-system|-nosystem toggles whether -all automatically includes\r\n system applications; the default is to include system apps)\r\n (<packages…> is the list of applications to be backed up. If\r\n the -all or -shared flags are passed, then the package\r\n list is optional. Applications explicitly given on the\r\n command line will be included even if -nosystem would\r\n ordinarily cause them to be omitted.)\r\n\r\n adb restore - restore device contents from the backup archive\r\n\r\n adb disable-verity - disable dm-verity checking on USERDEBUG builds\r\n adb enable-verity - re-enable dm-verity checking on USERDEBUG builds\r\n adb keygen - generate adb public/private key. The private key is stored in ,\r\n and the public key is stored in .pub. Any existing files\r\n are overwritten.\r\n adb help - show this help message\r\n adb version - show version num\r\n\r\nscripting:\r\n adb wait-for-device - block until device is online\r\n adb start-server - ensure that there is a server running\r\n adb kill-server - kill the server if it is running\r\n adb get-state - prints: offline | bootloader | device\r\n adb get-serialno - prints: \r\n adb get-devpath - prints: \r\n adb remount - remounts the /system, /vendor (if present) and /oem (if present) partitions on the device read-write\r\n adb reboot [bootloader|recovery]\r\n - reboots the device, optionally into the bootloader or recovery program.\r\n adb reboot sideload - reboots the device into the sideload mode in recovery program (adb root required).\r\n adb reboot sideload-auto-reboot\r\n - reboots into the sideload mode, then reboots automatically after the sideload regardless of the result.\r\n adb sideload - sideloads the given package\r\n adb root - restarts the adbd daemon with root permissions\r\n adb unroot - restarts the adbd daemon without root permissions\r\n adb usb - restarts the adbd daemon listening on USB\r\n adb tcpip - restarts the adbd daemon listening on TCP on the specified port\r\n\r\nnetworking:\r\n adb ppp [parameters] - Run PPP over USB.\r\n Note: you should not automatically start a PPP connection.\r\n refers to the tty for PPP stream. Eg. dev:/dev/omap_csmi_tty1\r\n [parameters] - Eg. defaultroute debug dump local notty usepeerdns\r\n\r\nadb sync notes: adb sync [ ]\r\n can be interpreted in several ways:\r\n\r\n - If is not specified, /system, /vendor (if present), /oem (if present) and /data partitions will be updated.\r\n\r\n - If it is "system", "vendor", "oem" or "data", only the corresponding partition\r\n is updated.\r\n\r\nenvironment variables:\r\n ADB_TRACE - Print debug information. A comma separated list of the following values\r\n 1 or all, adb, sockets, packets, rwx, usb, sync, sysdeps, transport, jdwp\r\n ANDROID_SERIAL - The serial number to connect to. -s takes priority over this if given.\r\n ANDROID_LOG_TAGS - When used with the logcat option, only these debug tags are printed.\r\n)”,“killed”:false,“code”:1,“signal”:null,“cmd”:“C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /s /c ""C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe" -s "forward tcp:4724 tcp:4724""”,“origValue”:“Command failed: C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /s /c ""C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe" -s "forward tcp:4724 tcp:4724""\nAndroid Debug Bridge version 1.0.32\r\nRevision 09a0d98bebce-android\r\n\r\n -a - directs adb to listen on all interfaces for a connection\r\n -d - directs command to the only connected USB device\r\n returns an error if more than one USB device is present.\r\n -e - directs command to the only running emulator.\r\n returns an error if more than one emulator is running.\r\n -s - directs command to the device or emulator with the given\r\n serial number or qualifier. Overrides ANDROID_SERIAL\r\n environment variable.\r\n -p - simple product name like ‘sooner’, or\r\n a relative/absolute path to a product\r\n out directory like ‘out/target/product/sooner’.\r\n If -p is not specified, the ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT\r\n environment variable is used, which must\r\n be an absolute path.\r\n -H - Name of adb server host (default: localhost)\r\n -P - Port of adb server (default: 5037)\r\n devices [-l] - list all connected devices\r\n (‘-l’ will also list device qualifiers)\r\n connect [:] - connect to a device via TCP/IP\r\n Port 5555 is used by default if no port number is specified.\r\n disconnect [[:]] - disconnect from a TCP/IP device.\r\n Port 5555 is used by default if no port number is specified.\r\n Using this command with no additional arguments\r\n will disconnect from all connected TCP/IP devices.\r\n\r\ndevice commands:\r\n adb push [-p] \r\n - copy file/dir to device\r\n (‘-p’ to display the transfer progress)\r\n adb pull [-p] [-a] []\r\n - copy file/dir from device\r\n (‘-p’ to display the transfer progress)\r\n (‘-a’ means copy timestamp and mode)\r\n adb sync [ ] - copy host->device only if changed\r\n (-l means list but don’t copy)\r\n adb shell - run remote shell interactively\r\n adb shell - run remote shell command\r\n adb emu - run emulator console command\r\n adb logcat [ ] - View device log\r\n adb forward --list - list all forward socket connections.\r\n the format is a list of lines with the following format:\r\n " " " " "\n"\r\n adb forward - forward socket connections\r\n forward specs are one of: \r\n tcp:\r\n localabstract:\r\n localreserved:\r\n localfilesystem:\r\n dev:\r\n jdwp: (remote only)\r\n adb forward --no-rebind \r\n - same as ‘adb forward ’ but fails\r\n if is already forwarded\r\n adb forward --remove - remove a specific forward socket connection\r\n adb forward --remove-all - remove all forward socket connections\r\n adb reverse --list - list all reverse socket connections from device\r\n adb reverse - reverse socket connections\r\n reverse specs are one of:\r\n tcp:\r\n localabstract:\r\n localreserved:\r\n localfilesystem:\r\n adb reverse --norebind \r\n - same as ‘adb reverse ’ but fails\r\n if is already reversed.\r\n adb reverse --remove \r\n - remove a specific reversed socket connection\r\n adb reverse --remove-all - remove all reversed socket connections from device\r\n adb jdwp - list PIDs of processes hosting a JDWP transport\r\n adb install [-lrtsdg] \r\n - push this package file to the device and install it\r\n (-l: forward lock application)\r\n (-r: replace existing application)\r\n (-t: allow test packages)\r\n (-s: install application on sdcard)\r\n (-d: allow version code downgrade)\r\n (-g: grant all runtime permissions)\r\n adb install-multiple [-lrtsdpg] <file…>\r\n - push this package file to the device and install it\r\n (-l: forward lock application)\r\n (-r: replace existing application)\r\n (-t: allow test packages)\r\n (-s: install application on sdcard)\r\n (-d: allow version code downgrade)\r\n (-p: partial application install)\r\n (-g: grant all runtime permissions)\r\n adb uninstall [-k] - remove this app package from the device\r\n (‘-k’ means keep the data and cache directories)\r\n adb bugreport - return all information from the device\r\n that should be included in a bug report.\r\n\r\n adb backup [-f ] [-apk|-noapk] [-obb|-noobb] [-shared|-noshared] [-all] [-system|-nosystem] [<packages…>]\r\n - write an archive of the device’s data to .\r\n If no -f option is supplied then the data is written\r\n to "backup.ab" in the current directory.\r\n (-apk|-noapk enable/disable backup of the .apks themselves\r\n in the archive; the default is noapk.)\r\n (-obb|-noobb enable/disable backup of any installed apk expansion\r\n (aka .obb) files associated with each application; the default\r\n is noobb.)\r\n (-shared|-noshared enable/disable backup of the device’s\r\n shared storage / SD card contents; the default is noshared.)\r\n (-all means to back up all installed applications)\r\n (-system|-nosystem toggles whether -all automatically includes\r\n system applications; the default is to include system apps)\r\n (<packages…> is the list of applications to be backed up. If\r\n the -all or -shared flags are passed, then the package\r\n list is optional. Applications explicitly given on the\r\n command line will be included even if -nosystem would\r\n ordinarily cause them to be omitted.)\r\n\r\n adb restore - restore device contents from the backup archive\r\n\r\n adb disable-verity - disable dm-verity checking on USERDEBUG builds\r\n adb enable-verity - re-enable dm-verity checking on USERDEBUG builds\r\n adb keygen - generate adb public/private key. The private key is stored in ,\r\n and the public key is stored in .pub. Any existing files\r\n are overwritten.\r\n adb help - show this help message\r\n adb version - show version num\r\n\r\nscripting:\r\n adb wait-for-device - block until device is online\r\n adb start-server - ensure that there is a server running\r\n adb kill-server - kill the server if it is running\r\n adb get-state - prints: offline | bootloader | device\r\n adb get-serialno - prints: \r\n adb get-devpath - prints: \r\n adb remount - remounts the /system, /vendor (if present) and /oem (if present) partitions on the device read-write\r\n adb reboot [bootloader|recovery]\r\n - reboots the device, optionally into the bootloader or recovery program.\r\n adb reboot sideload - reboots the device into the sideload mode in recovery program (adb root required).\r\n adb reboot sideload-auto-reboot\r\n - reboots into the sideload mode, then reboots automatically after the sideload regardless of the result.\r\n adb sideload - sideloads the given package\r\n adb root - restarts the adbd daemon with root permissions\r\n adb unroot - restarts the adbd daemon without root permissions\r\n adb usb - restarts the adbd daemon listening on USB\r\n adb tcpip - restarts the adbd daemon listening on TCP on the specified port\r\n\r\nnetworking:\r\n adb ppp [parameters] - Run PPP over USB.\r\n Note: you should not automatically start a PPP connection.\r\n refers to the tty for PPP stream. Eg. dev:/dev/omap_csmi_tty1\r\n [parameters] - Eg. defaultroute debug dump local notty usepeerdns\r\n\r\nadb sync notes: adb sync [ ]\r\n can be interpreted in several ways:\r\n\r\n - If is not specified, /system, /vendor (if present), /oem (if present) and /data partitions will be updated.\r\n\r\n - If it is "system", "vendor", "oem" or "data", only the corresponding partition\r\n is updated.\r\n\r\nenvironment variables:\r\n ADB_TRACE - Print debug information. A comma separated list of the following values\r\n 1 or all, adb, sockets, packets, rwx, usb, sync, sysdeps, transport, jdwp\r\n ANDROID_SERIAL - The serial number to connect to. -s takes priority over this if given.\r\n ANDROID_LOG_TAGS - When used with the logcat option, only these debug tags are printed.\r\n”},“sessionId”:null}
info: ← POST /wd/hub/session 500 213737.658 ms - 23296
info: → POST /wd/hub/session {“desiredCapabilities”:{“app”:“C:\Users\vovan\workspace\Appiumintro\AppiumVova\Appium_Final\src\base.apk”,“platformName”:“Android”,“deviceName”:“Android Emulator”}}
info: Client User-Agent string: Apache-HttpClient/4.5.1 (Java/1.8.0_71)
info: [debug] No appActivity desired capability or server param. Parsing from apk.
info: [debug] No appPackage desired capability or server param. Parsing from apk.
info: [debug] Using local app from desired caps: C:\Users\vovan\workspace\Appiumintro\AppiumVova\Appium_Final\src\base.apk
info: [debug] Creating new appium session 09e094c7-df54-4ed9-93ba-a5dbd8bd4dfa
info: Starting android appium
info: [debug] Getting Java version
info: Java version is: 1.8.0_71
info: [debug] Checking whether adb is present
info: [debug] Using adb from C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe
info: [debug] Parsing package and activity from app manifest
info: [debug] Checking whether aapt is present
info: [debug] Using aapt from C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\build-tools\24.0.0-preview\aapt.exe
info: [debug] Extracting package and launch activity from manifest.
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\build-tools\24.0.0-preview\aapt.exe” dump badging C:\Users\vovan\workspace\Appiumintro\AppiumVova\Appium_Final\src\base.apk
info: [debug] badging package: com.att.android.mobile.attmessages
info: [debug] badging act: com.att.ui.screen.ConversationListScreen
info: [debug] Parsed package and activity are: com.att.android.mobile.attmessages/com.att.ui.screen.ConversationListScreen
info: [debug] Using fast reset? true
info: [debug] Preparing device for session
info: [debug] Checking whether app is actually present
info: Retrieving device
info: [debug] Trying to find a connected android device
info: [debug] Getting connected devices…
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” devices
info: [debug] 1 device(s) connected
info: Found device
info: [debug] Setting device id to
info: [debug] Waiting for device to be ready and to respond to shell commands (timeout = 5)
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” -s wait-for-device
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” -s shell “echo ‘ready’”
info: [debug] Starting logcat capture
info: [debug] Getting device API level
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” -s shell “getprop ro.build.version.sdk”
info: [debug] Device is at API Level 23
info: Device API level is: 23
info: [debug] Extracting strings for language: default
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” -s shell “getprop persist.sys.language”
info: [debug] Current device persist.sys.language:
info: [debug] java -jar “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node_modules\appium\node_modules\appium-adb\jars\appium_apk_tools.jar” “stringsFromApk” “C:\Users\vovan\workspace\Appiumintro\AppiumVova\Appium_Final\src\base.apk” “C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\com.att.android.mobile.attmessages”
info: [debug] Reading strings from converted strings.json
info: [debug] Setting language to default
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” -s push “C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\com.att.android.mobile.attmessages\strings.json” /data/local/tmp
info: [debug] Checking whether aapt is present
info: [debug] Using aapt from C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\build-tools\24.0.0-preview\aapt.exe
info: [debug] Retrieving process from manifest.
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\build-tools\24.0.0-preview\aapt.exe” dump xmltree C:\Users\vovan\workspace\Appiumintro\AppiumVova\Appium_Final\src\base.apk AndroidManifest.xml
info: [debug] Set app process to: com.att.android.mobile.attmessages
info: [debug] Not uninstalling app since server not started with --full-reset
info: [debug] Checking app cert for C:\Users\vovan\workspace\Appiumintro\AppiumVova\Appium_Final\src\base.apk.
info: [debug] executing cmd: java -jar “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node_modules\appium\node_modules\appium-adb\jars\verify.jar” C:\Users\vovan\workspace\Appiumintro\AppiumVova\Appium_Final\src\base.apk
info: [debug] App already signed.
info: [debug] Zip-aligning C:\Users\vovan\workspace\Appiumintro\AppiumVova\Appium_Final\src\base.apk
info: [debug] Checking whether zipalign is present
info: [debug] Using zipalign from C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\build-tools\24.0.0-preview\zipalign.exe
info: [debug] Zip-aligning apk.
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\build-tools\24.0.0-preview\zipalign.exe” -f 4 C:\Users\vovan\workspace\Appiumintro\AppiumVova\Appium_Final\src\base.apk C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\116321-5208-1czpxz1\appium.tmp
info: [debug] MD5 for app is 5ded29e09505914602a607073238a85c
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” -s shell “ls /data/local/tmp/5ded29e09505914602a607073238a85c.apk”
info: [debug] Getting install status for com.att.android.mobile.attmessages
info: [debug] Getting device API level
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” -s shell “getprop ro.build.version.sdk”
info: [debug] Device is at API Level 23
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” -s shell “pm list packages -3 com.att.android.mobile.attmessages”
info: [debug] App is not installed
info: Installing App
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” -s shell “mkdir -p /data/local/tmp/”
info: [debug] Removing any old apks
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” -s shell “ls /data/local/tmp/*.apk”
info: [debug] Found an apk we want to keep at /data/local/tmp/5ded29e09505914602a607073238a85c.apk
info: [debug] Couldn’t find any apks to remove
info: [debug] Uninstalling com.att.android.mobile.attmessages
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” -s shell “am force-stop com.att.android.mobile.attmessages”
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” -s uninstall com.att.android.mobile.attmessages
info: [debug] App was not uninstalled, maybe it wasn’t on device?
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” -s shell “pm install -r /data/local/tmp/5ded29e09505914602a607073238a85c.apk”
info: [debug] Forwarding system:4724 to device:4724
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” -s forward tcp:4724 tcp:4724
info: [debug] Pushing appium bootstrap to device…
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” -s push “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node_modules\appium\build\android_bootstrap\AppiumBootstrap.jar” /data/local/tmp/
info: [debug] Pushing settings apk to device…
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” -s install “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node_modules\appium\build\settings_apk\settings_apk-debug.apk”
info: [debug] Pushing unlock helper app to device…
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” -s install “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node_modules\appium\build\unlock_apk\unlock_apk-debug.apk”
info: Starting App
info: [debug] Attempting to kill all ‘uiautomator’ processes
info: [debug] Getting all processes with ‘uiautomator’
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” -s shell “ps ‘uiautomator’”
info: [debug] No matching processes found
info: [debug] Running bootstrap
info: [debug] spawning: C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe -s shell uiautomator runtest AppiumBootstrap.jar -c io.appium.android.bootstrap.Bootstrap -e pkg com.att.android.mobile.attmessages -e disableAndroidWatchers false
info: [debug] [UIAUTOMATOR STDOUT] io.appium.android.bootstrap.Bootstrap:
info: [debug] [UIAUTOMATOR STDOUT] INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: class=io.appium.android.bootstrap.Bootstrap
info: [debug] [BOOTSTRAP] [debug] Socket opened on port 4724
info: [debug] [BOOTSTRAP] [debug] Appium Socket Server Ready
info: [debug] [BOOTSTRAP] [debug] Loading json…
info: [debug] [BOOTSTRAP] [debug] json loading complete.
info: [debug] [BOOTSTRAP] [debug] Registered crash watchers.
info: [debug] Waking up device if it’s not alive
info: [debug] Pushing command to appium work queue: [“wake”,{}]
info: [debug] [BOOTSTRAP] [debug] Client connected
info: [debug] [BOOTSTRAP] [debug] Got data from client: {“cmd”:“action”,“action”:“wake”,“params”:{}}
info: [debug] [BOOTSTRAP] [debug] Got command of type ACTION
info: [debug] [BOOTSTRAP] [debug] Got command action: wake
info: [debug] [BOOTSTRAP] [debug] Returning result: {“status”:0,“value”:true}
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” -s shell “dumpsys window”
info: [debug] Screen already unlocked, continuing.
info: [debug] Pushing command to appium work queue: [“getDataDir”,{}]
info: [debug] [BOOTSTRAP] [debug] Got data from client: {“cmd”:“action”,“action”:“getDataDir”,“params”:{}}
info: [debug] [BOOTSTRAP] [debug] Got command of type ACTION
info: [debug] [BOOTSTRAP] [debug] Got command action: getDataDir
info: [debug] [BOOTSTRAP] [debug] Returning result: {“status”:0,“value”:“/data”}
info: [debug] dataDir set to: /data
info: [debug] Pushing command to appium work queue: [“compressedLayoutHierarchy”,{“compressLayout”:false}]
info: [debug] [BOOTSTRAP] [debug] Got data from client: {“cmd”:“action”,“action”:“compressedLayoutHierarchy”,“params”:{“compressLayout”:false}}
info: [debug] [BOOTSTRAP] [debug] Got command of type ACTION
info: [debug] [BOOTSTRAP] [debug] Got command action: compressedLayoutHierarchy
info: [debug] [BOOTSTRAP] [debug] Returning result: {“status”:0,“value”:false}
info: [debug] Getting device API level
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” -s shell “getprop ro.build.version.sdk”
info: [debug] Device is at API Level 23
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” -s shell “am start -S -a android.intent.action.MAIN -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER -f 0x10200000 -n com.att.android.mobile.attmessages/com.att.ui.screen.ConversationListScreen”
info: [debug] Waiting for pkg “com.att.android.mobile.attmessages” and activity “com.att.ui.screen.ConversationListScreen” to be focused
info: [debug] Getting focused package and activity
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” -s shell “dumpsys window windows”
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” -s shell “getprop ro.build.version.release”
info: [debug] Device is at release version 6.0
info: [debug] Device launched! Ready for commands
info: [debug] Setting command timeout to the default of 60 secs
info: [debug] Appium session started with sessionId 09e094c7-df54-4ed9-93ba-a5dbd8bd4dfa
info: ← POST /wd/hub/session 303 16419.515 ms - 74
info: → GET /wd/hub/session/09e094c7-df54-4ed9-93ba-a5dbd8bd4dfa {}
info: [debug] Responding to client with success: {“status”:0,“value”:{“platform”:“LINUX”,“browserName”:“Android”,“platformVersion”:“6.0”,“webStorageEnabled”:false,“takesScreenshot”:true,“javascriptEnabled”:true,“databaseEnabled”:false,“networkConnectionEnabled”:true,“locationContextEnabled”:false,“warnings”:{},“desired”:{“app”:“C:\Users\vovan\workspace\Appiumintro\AppiumVova\Appium_Final\src\base.apk”,“platformName”:“Android”,“deviceName”:“Android Emulator”},“app”:“C:\Users\vovan\workspace\Appiumintro\AppiumVova\Appium_Final\src\base.apk”,“platformName”:“Android”,“deviceName”:“”},“sessionId”:“09e094c7-df54-4ed9-93ba-a5dbd8bd4dfa”}
info: ← GET /wd/hub/session/09e094c7-df54-4ed9-93ba-a5dbd8bd4dfa 200 5.465 ms - 624 {“status”:0,“value”:{“platform”:“LINUX”,“browserName”:“Android”,“platformVersion”:“6.0”,“webStorageEnabled”:false,“takesScreenshot”:true,“javascriptEnabled”:true,“databaseEnabled”:false,“networkConnectionEnabled”:true,“locationContextEnabled”:false,“warnings”:{},“desired”:{“app”:“C:\Users\vovan\workspace\Appiumintro\AppiumVova\Appium_Final\src\base.apk”,“platformName”:“Android”,“deviceName”:“Android Emulator”},“app”:“C:\Users\vovan\workspace\Appiumintro\AppiumVova\Appium_Final\src\base.apk”,“platformName”:“Android”,“deviceName”:“”},“sessionId”:“09e094c7-df54-4ed9-93ba-a5dbd8bd4dfa”}
info: [debug] Didn’t get a new command in 60 secs, shutting down…
info: Shutting down appium session
info: [debug] Pressing the HOME button
info: [debug] executing cmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” -s shell “input keyevent 3”
info: [debug] Stopping logcat capture
info: [debug] Logcat terminated with code null, signal SIGTERM
info: [debug] [BOOTSTRAP] [debug] Got data from client: {“cmd”:“shutdown”}
info: [debug] [BOOTSTRAP] [debug] Got command of type SHUTDOWN
info: [debug] [BOOTSTRAP] [debug] Returning result: {“status”:0,“value”:“OK, shutting down”}
info: [debug] [BOOTSTRAP] [debug] Closed client connection
info: [debug] [UIAUTOMATOR STDOUT] INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: class=io.appium.android.bootstrap.Bootstrap
info: [debug] Sent shutdown command, waiting for UiAutomator to stop…
info: [debug] [UIAUTOMATOR STDOUT] Test results for WatcherResultPrinter=.
info: [debug] [UIAUTOMATOR STDOUT] Time: 62.796
info: [debug] [UIAUTOMATOR STDOUT] OK (1 test)
info: [debug] UiAutomator shut down normally
info: [debug] Cleaning up android objects
info: [debug] Cleaning up appium session
info: [debug] We shut down because no new commands came in

I get this code it runs but app is not opening. Thank You for help.