Finding element id or xpath for testing of hybrid android app

i want test a hybrid anroid app for writing test case we need element id, id or cssselector i am using uiautomate viewer but it is not work it show web view i also appium inspector and chrome inspect device but they not inspect the element.Pls suggest me any solution.Can i write test case for hybrid app without knowing element id, xpath etc

For native app, you can get different attributes[id, text, etc] of each element on page using UIAutomatorViewer tool in Android SDK or Appium Inspector.

If the page is rendered using webview, while the page is loaded, connect the device to system via USB, and open Chrome browser with URL chrome://inspect …then click on th item referring to webpage. It will open up a view with HTML Dom … you can expand it to fetch the details for respective element.

Also, please note, you need to change context to webview before acting on webview elements.

Can it work on emulator instead real device

I inpect only those which open on my real device crome but my hybrid app cant open in crome It develop in corodova

Yup it works on both real device and emulator.

I ma not sure about