getLocation().getX() just returns the parent [div] location

Hi guys,

I faced an strange issue with getLocation().getX() or getY()

I put an absolute xpath for the element: //*[@id=’_sUID’]/div[1]/div[5]/ul/li[1]/a/div[1]

Then I used:
int x = element.getLocation().getX();

int y = element.getLocation().getY();

System.out.println(x + "*************************************<=============");
System.out.println(y + "*************************************<=============");

driver.tap(1, x, y, 200);

I could see that it tap on wrong location (the location of parent Node [@id=’_sUID’] , not the pointed xpath one) because I printed locations out for troubleshooting.

I tried to wait for the page loaded completely but there was no luck.

Is there any body faced the same issue before or you guys can give me any clues?

Thank in advance!
Tu Huynh