Gettiing the error That URL did not map to a valid JSONWP resource

Gettiing the error That URL did not map to a valid JSONWP resource How to resolve the issue i have started the appium server already…

Hi mate,

Any luck with this error…I am getting the same error and am out of ideas on how to get around it
I have tried installing appium via npm and using the windows app
Server starts up ok but

when I try to access output is below and doesnt make sense - have tried changing ports as well and same results
URL did not map to a valid JSONWP resource

when I try to access the output is below and seems to be ok

when I try to access the output is below and makes sense as no capability is set
{“status”:13,“value”:“ERROR running Appium command: Cannot read property ‘capabilities’ of null”}

Any ideas on how to resolve this or is it a bug / issue ??



Did you solved the error?. I have the same error that both of you and I don’t know how solve it.

Thanks in advance,

Hey mate,
This is a weird error and I haven’t come across any real solution for this…I uninstalled the appium app(.exe) and installed appium using node.

This install seems to work, the only downside is I cant use the appium inspector apparently and have to use uiautomatorviewer to inspect the elements…

I think we should raise it as a bug/defect as it is definitely an issue and no real answers on how to solve this…