Getting different XPath locators from Appium inspector for same element on Android real device and Emulators

In case of hybrid application I am getting different XPath locators for same element on Android [Genimotion] emulator and real device.
There are no other common properties/values for element to select for real device and emulator.
Sometime for some element on Android appium inspector gives values for properties like ‘content-desc’ and ‘resource-id’ but for blank for simulator or vise-versa.

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Getting values for resource-id from Uiautomator is relatively new in Android. Double check which versions of Android you’re running on your emulator and your physical devices.

@AjitJ Can I please know, if you have found any solution for it? I am facing the same issue and I am not able to crack it.
Application Nature : Hybrid

I am facing the same issue. Please help me if you had found any solution @AjitJ @Megha_R