I am trying open Youtube through automation using its bundle id but its not going to get open and if i run the command
adb shell am start -n com.google.android.youtube/.app.honeycomb.Shell$HomeActivity
then i am getting below error
Activity class {com.google.android.youtube/com.google.android.youtube.app.honeycomb.Shell} does not exist.
i have resolved it by passing command like adb shell am start -n ‘com.google.android.youtube/.app.honeycomb.Shell$HomeActivity’
but while running through code i am not getting quotes in appium server logs , due to that its failing , i am passing parameters like this
options.Add(“appium:appPackage”, “com.google.android.youtube”);
options.Add(“appium:appActivity”, “.app.honeycomb.Shell$HomeActivity”);
please assist
Make sure you use the most recent driver version.
i am using below version [email protected] [installed (npm)]
I got uiautomator2 3.5.2 and still throwing the error