Getting only single xpath for XCUIElementTypeOther

I am using appium inspector to find locators into iOS mobile application. I am getting only single xpath for XCUIElementTypeOther for the whole page instead of individual locator for each element on paSingle-xpath ge.

Easiest solution would be to ask developers to add accessibility ids:

Appium can’t find what’s not there.

Thanks @wreed
But I do have an update from developer team that Accessibility Inspector is showing “Identifiers” on this page. But Appium is not able to find it.
For the reference I have attached two more screenshots.

Those look really weird. When I say that, for example:

  1. Automation Type: Unknown
  2. Title: None
  3. Value: None
  4. Type: Empty String

So I would say that there has been some attempt to add accessibility id’s to the app, but the effort was incomplete. If you haven’t shown the developer the blog I referenced above, I encourage you to do so.

Were you able to solve your problem? I am running into a similar issue.