Guide me in Appium iosTesting using java

I need help in setting up appium for IOS apps and using java.
Is it possible to use appium for a realtime mobile testing long running project. Does it have any framework and report generation ?

Appium Tutorial-IOS Configuration on mac:

Thanks for the link. This link is very useful,.

I am currently using OSX 10.9.2 ,should i update to the latest Yosemite?
Or is it enough if i upgrade the Xcode alone. Which one is recommended.


@Mobile_Test_Test, For a time being you can upgrade xcode and start using it, don’t bother about OSX 10.10 Yosemite.
I saw some people are facing issues with Yosemite. This is just my opening, call is your

Appium setup is done,and I have upgraded to Yosemite and xcode as well.

Now the problem i face is :

  1. I have mapped the path to .app(my application)
    2.Force Device to an iOS simulator device iPhone 5(8.1)
    Please note all my iOS simulator devices are iOS version 8.1
    3.i have launched the Appium by clicking the Launch button
    4.When i click on Appium Inspector

Note: The application is running in the iPhone5 simulator

i get the below(attached) error message"

@Mobile_Test_Test :- I per you screenshot and logs , the problem is with your simulator.
Steps to verify

  1. Open Xcode and create a sample project and run after that check whether your simulator is able to launch successfully that project.
    Note: Open on iphone 5 and 8.1 …
  2. Once it is launched then close the simulator
  3. Try again… I hope it will work
    I also faced the same issue and after followed above steps I was able to fix the issue.

@Appium_Master i tried creating a sample project and just gave the bundle ID,UDID in appium settings and it started working.

But now in Appium inspector ,is their something like where i could extract the objects?
Or create an Object Repository?

if i touch on the right side screen(my device screen) the appropriate object or element is not displayed
Kindly help.

@Mobile_Test_Test :- No there is nothing like object repository as per my knowledge. Don’t click on devices screen, expand and navigate on explorer , You can visit.

Thanks alot!

Basically two things i have to get clarified

1.If i am running on real device/simulator from eclipse with all my capabilities,shall i leave all the checkbox unchecked in appium iOS settings screen?
2.In the video i noticed that all the elements grabbed where Byname only,is their something like ById? I could see in the details window while recording.
3.i guess xpath is a better options always if im not wrong(correct me)

Thanks Appium Master