Having Issues With the WDA on AWS

Hi, I’ve been using AWS Device Farm to run Android tests just fine, but I’m having trouble getting iOS to work. I’m using the prebuilt WDA offered through AWS with Appium 1.19.0, Node 15.5.1, npm 7.3.0, and webdriver.io ^6.10.11. I’ve been trying to run tests on an iPhone 12 using OS 14.2. The error I’m getting is 2021-08-16T01:17:38.030Z WARN webdriver: Request timed out! Consider increasing the "connectionRetryTimeout" option. Some things I have tried without luck:

  • Increased the connectionRetryTimeout to as high as 500000
  • Changed the address from to
  • Switched to port 8111 from 4723
  • Downgraded wdio to version 5
  • Changed the webdriver from wdio to wd.js
  • Added the enablePerformanceLogging = false because of an open bug.

I filed a ticket with wdio thinking it was something on their end, but they think it’s to do with the capabilities. The only capability it could be related to is the WDA derived path one set by AWS. Here are some logs from one of the runs:
Device Farm log:

Appium log: