Using the simulator for either the in the inspector or the manual server mode ->
ios 8.1 for the simulator
xcode 6.1
for the inspector i’m using Appium 1.3.5
with the inspector nothing happen when trying to scroll or swipe…with the manual mode with ruby while trying the codes below still no results,
execute_script “mobile: scrollTo”, :element => find_element(:xpath, “//UIAApplication[1]/UIAWindow[2]/UIAScrollView[1]/UIAScrollView[2]/UIAWebView[1]”).ref 50, startY: 84, endX: 50, endY: 400, :duration => 5000).perform => 200, :start_y => 200, :end_x => 180, :end_y => 180, :touchCount => 1, :duration => 1000).perform()
even if i try using the coordinates of elements found in the list of the webview, i will get error of out bound screen…
Coordinate for invisible element:
continue = driver.find_element(:xpath, ‘//UIALink[@name=“Continue as Guest”]’)
driver.execute_script ‘mobile: tap’, :tapCount => 1, :touchCount => 1, :duration => 0.5, :x => 21, :y => 43
:x => 101.953125, :y => 992.09375 :x => 285, :y => 447, :fingers => 1, :tapCount => 1, :duration => 0.5
Selenium::WebDriver::Error::JavascriptError: start point is not within the bounds of the screen
is there any way to solved this issue???
Can someone help me pls…