How can get the device into Sleep Mode then Wake

I’ve found a bug in our system when putting the device in sleep mode then waking it will cause the application to crash.

I want to start building automated test case around this. Has anyone attempted or achieved this.

Thanks for any help you can provide.


what you mean sleep? iOS/Android?

Both Android and iOS. When you click one of the side button and the screen goes black.

I image I have to communicate with those buttons. :slight_smile:


    ((AndroidDriver) driver).lockDevice();
    ((AndroidDriver) driver).unlockDevice();


        ((AndroidDriver) driver).pressKeyCode(AndroidKeyCode.KEYCODE_POWER);
        ((AndroidDriver) driver).pressKeyCode(AndroidKeyCode.MENU);

For iOS - Simulator or Real?

Awesome, I’ll try it out.

Thanks Aleksei

For IOS I use both simulator and real depending on availability.

for real device - no idea. i do not use.
for Simulator i use osascript:

public void lockUnlockScreen() {
    System.out.println("    lockUnlockScreen()");
    //((IOSDriver) driver).lockDevice(2); // not implemented
public void tapHomeButton() {
    System.out.println("    tapHomeButton()");
    try {
        String[] cmd = {"osascript", "-e", "tell application \""+simulatorAppName()+"\"\n" +
                "    activate\n" +
                "end tell\n" +
                " \n" +
                "tell application \"System Events\"\n" +
                "    tell process \""+simulatorAppName()+"\"\n" +
                "        tell menu bar 1\n" +
                "            tell menu bar item \"Hardware\"\n" +
                "                tell menu \"Hardware\"\n" +
                "                    click menu item \"Home\"\n" +
                "                end tell\n" +
                "            end tell\n" +
                "        end tell\n" +
                "    end tell\n" +
                "end tell"};
        try{Thread.sleep(500);}catch (Exception e1){}
    } catch (Exception e) {}
public void tapLockButton() {
    System.out.println("    tapLockButton()");
    try {
        String[] cmd = {"osascript", "-e", "tell application \""+simulatorAppName()+"\"\n" +
                "    activate\n" +
                "end tell\n" +
                " \n" +
                "tell application \"System Events\"\n" +
                "    tell process \""+simulatorAppName()+"\"\n" +
                "        tell menu bar 1\n" +
                "            tell menu bar item \"Hardware\"\n" +
                "                tell menu \"Hardware\"\n" +
                "                    click menu item \"Lock\"\n" +
                "                end tell\n" +
                "            end tell\n" +
                "        end tell\n" +
                "    end tell\n" +
                "end tell"};
        try{Thread.sleep(500);}catch (Exception e1){}
    } catch (Exception e) {}
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