How can I disable [Xcode] logging on console

I have started appium as:
appium --log-level error

Appium Version: 1.22.3
OS: MAC, using iOS SIM 15.5
Xcode: 13.4.1
Build version 13F100

But still I am keep getting below logs flooding my console, How to suppress these:

[Xcode]     t =     7.49s Get all elements bound by accessibility element for: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
[Xcode]     t =     7.49s     Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 63933
[Xcode]     t =     7.53s     Find: Descendants matching type Any
[Xcode]     t =     7.53s     Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
[Xcode]     t =     7.54s Checking existence of `ScrollView`
[Xcode]     t =     7.54s     Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 63933
[Xcode]     t =     7.56s     Find: Descendants matching type Any
[Xcode]     t =     7.56s     Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
[Xcode]     t =     7.56s     Find: Identity Binding

Hi, any suggestion to suppress these log will be helpful.

set appium capability: appium:showXcodeLog to false.

you can see more info and other xcuitest driver capabilities here:,appium%3AshowXcodeLog,-Whether%20to%20display

Thanks @ido_oserovitz!
I was tried ‘IOSMobileCapabilityType.SHOW_XCODE_LOG’: ‘false’ , but it did not help.

It worked: appium:showXcodeLog to false.

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