How can we determine that tab such as BSE Tab is selected by default


I am automating a native app and my scenario is I need to check that BSE Tab is selected by default when user lands on the page. I do not find any element who says that BSE tab is selected or not selected at that moment. Please see the below screenshot.

Mobile Element remain same when BSE Tab is Selected or Not

Please suggest any workaround to handle such scenario.

Thanks in advance!!

Add another screen shot with NSE selected for BSE element. or select NSE and compare the Node Details section.
Then get the unmatched element with getAttribute() method.


All Node details are same. Please see the below screenshot.

Please suggest any workaround to handle it.


Screen shot for the BSE element in both cases. Only for BSE element(enable and disabled). You have provided for NSE and BSE.

I have checked BSE element(enabled and disabled) but they remain same at both case when BSE Tab is checked and not checked. Please see the below screenshot.

Please suggest if I missed anything.

@Chirag_Singh is this app developed using cross-platform tool ie. xamrin, PhoneGap??

yes, it is developed by xamrin tool.

It a very common issue with the application developed using non-native tools. I have faced this kind of issue and there isn’t anything you can do about it from your side(Automation script). You need to consult with the developers in order to make the changes on the UI elements. We opted out from automation for the App developed with xamrin because the changes are just to support automation and does not bring any value on the actual application. You should look into automation tools provided by Xamrin itself.

If you still need/want to continue with Appium then you should combine it with any image recognition tools i.e. sikulli.

Thats the conclusion I have with application developed with cross-platform tools, I’ll be happy to check out if someone has solution for this.

Thanks for your help!!