How can we get the screenshot of mobile web full page in Automation?

I am automating a mobile web application. I need to take screenshot of the mobile web full page. If am using normal screenshot taking method, getting only the current visible page screenshot. Below is the code:

((TakesScreenshot) new Augmenter().augment(driver)).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);

I have tried an alternative with help of Ashot library, it work fine for Desktop Web browsers. In case of Mobile Web it get 60-70% image of the web page and the images are overlapped. Below is the Code:

new AShot().shootingStrategyShootingStrategies.viewportRetina(100, 0, 0, 2)).takeScreenshot(driver);

How can we get the screenshot of mobile web full page in Automation?

@wreed @Priyank_Shah @p00j4 @rashiatry @Reshma_Godase @adarshem @aji1025 @

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