How do I add a new Platform Version for Android in Appium?

For Android my Capabilities>Platform Version only lists up until 5.1 Lollipop (API Level 22)

I have API level 23 & 24 installed in Android SDK Manager and can select them when creating a new AVD

How do I get these new API levels displaying to pick in Appium, there doesnt seem to be any documentation anywhere online

Hey Steve, if you get any solution for this please let me know. I am stuck at the same point.

Here’w what I do:
~/Android/Sdk/tools/android list targets
echo “y” | android update sdk -a --no-ui --filter sys-img-armeabi-v7a-android-24,sys-img-x86_64-android-24
~/Android/Sdk/tools/android create avd -n android24 -t 4 --abi google_apis/x86
~/Android/Sdk/tools/android list avd

Hope it helps!