How do I horizontal swipe/scroll on class "android.widget.HorizontalScrollView"?

The class is: android.widget.HorizontalScrollView

What is the command to horizontal swipe using C#?

Im using a real Android device

Please if anyone can help been stuck on it for days!

   protected void SwipeLeft(AppiumWebElement row)
        int xShift = Convert.ToInt32(row.Size.Width * 0.20);
        int xStart = (row.Size.Width) - xShift;
        int xEnd = xShift;

        Swipe(row, xStart, xEnd);

    private void Swipe(AppiumWebElement row, int xStart, int xEnd)
        ITouchAction action = new TouchAction(driver)
            .Press(row, xStart, (row.Size.Height / 2))
            .MoveTo(row, xEnd, (row.Size.Height / 2))


great thanks!

I actually got it working anyway with AppiumUIDriver.Swipe() method