How to add the platform version [API Level 23, 6.0 Marshmallow ] in appium for Andoird in Mac

I am Trying to add the API level 23 for platform version 6.0 marshmallow in appium for android but unable to add in appium platform version.


Hey Rohit, if you get any solution for this please let me know. I am stuck at the same point.

Just download the android SDK (API Level 23).

Hi Rohit,
Thanks for the reply.
I have downloaded API23 and it is there in my platforms folder too. Still I am not getting it.
I am using Mac 10.11.6 to automate android 6.0.1 and appium 1.5.3.
Let me know if you also using the same environment.


If you are trying to set the “Platform Version” in the Appium Server UI, you should be able to just type “6.0” in the edit box. I’ve done that with Appium 1.5.3 to test on Android 6.0.

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what’s this output for you show $ANDROID_HOME/sdk/tools/android list avd

Thanks Leppo.
Now I am able to launch the app. Here I am getting one more error
Exception in thread “main” org.openqa.selenium.remote.SessionNotFoundException: no such session

Let me know if you faced this anytime. I am using Mac 10.11.6 to automate android 6.0.1 and appium 1.5.3.

Are you getting the same error from launching a Test as well as launching the Inspector? Can you list the capabilities listed in your code (or show the Appium Server UI with the configuration data)?