How to distinguish two bluestacks instances?

Both have same sdk, and device name is ignored on android i dont know why that is what appium tells me

I want to run tests in one while i am connected to inspector in the other. so i can get ids etc and run tests witouth needing to close inspector.

I have currently 3 bluestacks instances attached by adb

android_id in 2 of em are not the same, i tried with udid but isnt working so far

C:\platform-tools>adb -s localhost:5555 shell settings get secure android_id

C:\platform-tools>adb -s localhost:5565 shell settings get secure android_id

C:\platform-tools>adb connect localhost:5557
connected to localhost:5557

C:\platform-tools>adb -s localhost:5557 shell settings get secure android_id

C:\platform-tools>adb -s localhost:5557 shell getprop

C:\platform-tools>adb -s localhost:5565 shell getprop

C:\platform-tools>adb devices -l
List of devices attached
emulator-5554          device product:beyond1ltexx model:SM_G973F device:beyond1 transport_id:6
emulator-5564          device product:beyond1ltexx model:SM_G973F device:beyond1 transport_id:5
localhost:5555         device product:beyond1ltexx model:SM_G973F device:beyond1 transport_id:4
localhost:5557         device product:dream2ltexx model:SM_G955F device:dream2lte transport_id:10
localhost:5565         device product:beyond1ltexx model:SM_G973F device:beyond1 transport_id:3