How to do mobile app automation using Cucumber-Appium for IOS device/emulator in Windows 8

How to do mobile app automation using Cucumber-Appium for IOS device/emulator in Windows 8?
Anybody kindly tell the steps for IOS automation for Iphone emulator in windows 8.


OSX is required, cause Windows doesn’t have Xcode. So, you can’t automate iPhone real device or emulator on Windows.

Is there any way to work it out with Xcode setup in windows (xcode is available as setup file for windows).
I have installed Microsoft WebMatrix through which I am able to launch iphone emulator. In case of Android, we have adb to deal with android device or emulator, which is working fine in my machine.
I saw something called idb for ios. I installed idb gem and tried to bring the launched iphone emulator in the emulator list (like we have adb devices to list all android devices/emulator).
Could you please tell me if there is any way to carry out this in windows itself or only Mac is required?

I am not sure if you can install Xcode on Windows, but there are requirements for automating iOS using Appium:

  • Mac OS X 10.7 or higher, 10.9.2 recommended
  • XCode >= 4.6.3, 5.1.1 recommended
  • Apple Developer Tools (iPhone simulator SDK, command line tools)
  • Ensure you read our documentation on setting yourself up for iOS testing!r iOS testing!


Ok Kirill thanks. I will work it out.