How to execute appium tests against iOS apps with distributed certificate

Does Appium plan to extend automation capability for iOS apps with distributed profiles ? Are there any known work arounds for this limitation ? How do we execute Appium scripts against production apps with distribution certificates as it is not possible to distribute iOS apps with developer certificates for Beta testing. Any suggestions on this will be of great help. Thanks.


Can your Developers create a Prod-targeted build that is signed with a Dev certificate? That is how I test a Prod build with Appium. Of course nobody outside of the automation team use this build.

Hi Leppo,

Thanks for the response. Developers can create the prod-targeted build that is signed with a Dev certificate however it will also require UUIDs of test devices (iPhones) to be included with developer certificate. We do not know the UUIDs of Beta test users from Client team. Wondering on how to ensure the build distributed for Beta users is the build that we tested.

Thanks & Regards

I don’t think you can use Appium to test a build that is signed with a distributed cert, but if you have the exact same build, only with a Dev-signed cert, wouldn’t that be good enough for testing purposes? I’m not aware of any workaround for this limitation, but there may be.