How to find element of class XCUIElementTypeWebView in a real iOS device

How to get the individual element of a screen where all the links, texts are lying under XCUIElementTypeWebView ?
Below is my setup:
Node v11.9
Appium v1.17.1-1

Below is my capability:
“xcodeOrgId”: “”,
“xcodeSigningId”: “iPhone Developer”,
“udid”: “”,
“app”: “.ipa”,
“deviceName”: “”,
“platformName”: “iOS”,
“automationName”: “XCUITest”,
“platformVersion”: “13.2.3”,
“bundleId”: “”,
“startIWDP”: true

Screenshot of element tree:

You have webView = switch context to it. And you will see everything like in browser.

@Aleksei, Thanks for your reply
I already tried getting the contexts in the code, and it returns
contexts: [ 'NATIVE_APP' ]

console.log('contexts:', contexts)
Can you tell me what’s the alternative?

  1. Real phone?
  2. Enabled webView on phone safari settings?
  3. Check that you able to see your webView on Safari browser from Mac with iphone connected.

All fine -> now appium turn

can’t see elements in XCUIElementTypeWebView

            (no elements)

why can’t see it;


i have no test app file[App or IPA], only bundleId of app installed on device.

appium desktop 1.21
xcode 12.5
iphone 7 ios 13.1

@jskpubller86 @pradeepnyk did you found any work around on this?
I am also facing the similar issue

facing same issue , any luck
even not able to switch context it is showing only Native context