How to find Locators for Web Application - Android

Hi All,
I’m currently Working on Android Web Application using Appium. Not sure how to find the Locators for elements using Appium for WebApplication.
I have worked on NativeApp using Appium, where we use UIAutomatorViewer for finding the locator’s. But for Web Application no idea how to find the locators to find the elements.
Kindly let me know how to find the locators of Elements (Id, text, ClassName, Xpath). I have did Appium Set up in Windows 7, now stuck with finding the locators.

Much appreciate for your help.

Deepika Ramasamy.

What do you mean by how to find the locators?
You mean how to see the ui using appium or how to manipulate the elements?

Hi Shay,
Thanks for your Reply.

For automation Web Application using selenium normally we use Firebug & Firepath for find the locators of an Element. For Android Native App we use UIAutomatorViewer for finding Locators (Text, Resuorce-id, Xpath). But I’m not sure how to find the locators for Web Application using Appium to run script in Mobile Device/ Emulator.

If i understood you correctly, you can launch the appium app, and press on the inspector icon when you see the code 200 on the appium ui.
Before you do that, you should set the app path/bundle/package name of the application you want to inspect using the ios/android icons on the appium app ui,

Hi Shay,

I’m working on Mobile Web-Application, eg: in Mobile Browser , am Not working on Mobile App (Native / Hybrid App).
For Android Native App we use UIAutomatorViewer for finding Locators
(Text, Resuorce-id, Xpath).
If automation Web-Application, we use FirePath/Firebug for finding Locator using

Same for Mobile Web-Application how to find Locators for writing scripts using Appium.


for finding web element on mobile with Appium