How to get all scrollable list elements?

Hi all
I have a list of elements (each element have strings, image and button)
and the list is scrollable
I need to get all of items without duplicating
I tried a code like this
but its skipped some elements

val itemsSet: MutableSet = hashSetOf()
var previousSetSize: Int

    do {
        previousSetSize = itemsSet.size
        if (previousSetSize != 0) {
            Scroll.scroll(Scroll.Direction.DOWN)//function to scroll down

        val displayedItems = driverInstance.findElements("item_id")) as List<WebElement>
        displayedItems.forEach {

                if (itemsSet.contains(it))

    } while (previousSetSize != itemsSet.size)

I checked on Appium inspector, when scroll the screen, some of new element take same ids for previous elements

just change this to scroll less