How to get bundle id of iOS app - either using .ipa file or app installed on iphone


Setting up test automation for iOS app using appium - on real device need the .ipa file and bundle id.

Currently I have .ipa file and same app can be installed through test flight. I don’t have the app source code. I tried extracting the files from .ipa file using Archive Utility but there was no plist file. I am not sure how do I get the bundle id for this app- (either from .ipa file or by using the installed app and what is the process?) as i want to automate this app test on real device

(note: .app file or source code is not available and the test app is signed with valid developer provisioning profile)

Thanks, Neha R M

You may get it from latest Xcode and also from IPhone Configuration Utillity from your Mac device.

I also face similar situation, but I have bundle ID and app got installed into the real device. After starting the Appium with bundle ID, when I click the inspector, I get the following error.
App is not installed. Will try to install the app.
Cleaning up appium session
Error: Installing (dName.appName) failed at /Applications/…

I’m not sure what is the issue. How could I debug more.? or some one has the steps to follow on this case.


If you have ideviceinstaller you can query the device for the bundleId’s of the apps installed:

ideviceinstaller -U <UUID> -l

You can use this to make sure that you are using the right bundleId.

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Thanks wreed. Yeah… it’s given wrong bundle ID. Once i have corrected it. it’s working fine.

Hello.I do test automation for iOS app using appium on real device,could you tell me how to get bundle ID of iphone app?Thans very much.

as Wreed said:

To get the bundle id, Run this below command -
osascript -e ‘id of app “<.app path>”’

Watch details here -