How to get Test report

How can I create a structured report from appium after successful completion of automation testing.

If you are using Python, then try pytest-html plugin

I’m Using Java, what should I do in this case ?

Copy pasting this from this blog:

Selenium Java Test Reports

TestNG HTML Report Generation.
JUnit-Style Report Generation.
    Simple JUnit Reports, and
    Convert JUnit to HTML Reports.
Generating Extent HTML Reports.

Try using ExtentReports, which is open source and easy to understand.
Extent Reports

Lot of API methods and easy to remember. Just give a try.

I second the suggestion for Extent Reports. I’ve built it into my framework’s logging and it generates a “pretty” report like this one at the end of the test run… Screenshots and all. :slight_smile:

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I am running my test in a terminal with nodeJS. How I can get the test report of my tests.

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hi Nikhil, do you have any solutions for test report with node.js?

Hi @aeron11 you can use chai, mocha and use your appium script inside of mocha’s it function. mocha will use html reporter and will create an Html report for same.

Can you provide exact steps for it. I have tried many things I am not able to do it.

How do you make this can you recommend some Documentation for implementing the Test report like this.