How to get the .dmg file to install on Macbook?

Continuing the discussion from Appium 1.3.4-beta Released:

No .dmg has been released for this version yet. The latest stable .dmg file can be found here. If you wish to use version 1.3.4beta instead, you will have to clone the Github repository on you MacBook and reset it.

Is send keys issue is fixed for maverick? Even if I am go on text field and press command+k settext will not work. Need to go to each and every field press command+k then again connect hardware keyboard from hardware menu of simulator and then again command+k then send keys work.

Hi Friends, Happy to see new appium version 1.3.4, So I run few testing on new appium version.

Bugs found : ‘Swipe’ gesture does not work on iOS 8.1 And Xcode 6.1.
Methods used
appium.swipe :start_x => 97, :start_y => 521, :end_x => 229, :end_y => 521, :touchCount => 1, :duration => 500
mobile.swipe :start_x => 97, :start_y => 521, :end_x => 229, :end_y => 521, :touchCount => 1, :duration => 500
driver.swipe :start_x => 97, :start_y => 521, :end_x => 229, :end_y => 521, :touchCount => 1, :duration => 500