How to go back or hide the keyboard after typing in one text field On iOS ?? I tried using driver.hideKeyboard() but doesn’t works with Appium 1.2.1 Please help
Have you tried to update to Appium 1.2.3?
.: fix hideKeyboard bugs
I will try with new release. Thanks for quick reply
Neither of methods hideKeyboard or hide_Keyboard are working as getting below error
for #Selenium::WebDriver::Driver:0x007fabd1957250 (NoMethodError)
But as per documentation on ruby_lib/docs/ at master · appium/ruby_lib · GitHub
Where do you refer to , in order to find correct method name ?
I’m using Ruby
hide_keyboard works for me (in lower case)
sorry my bad , I need to wait for keyboard to first appear and then call this method, also I did mistake with method name as well.
do you have any sample project with ruby on github ( with common actions on android / iOS ) which I can refer to for learning good practices ?
Thanks again.
If someone stumbles upon this thread , please refer to
for sample projects in Ruby.
There’s also this known issue in the Ruby bindings. Should be a simple fix if someone wants to submit a pull request.
I am using Cucumber+Page-Object+Appium and this is the script :
caps = { :browserName => browser_name, :platform => “Android” }
client =
client.timeout = 500
@browser = Selenium::WebDriver.for(:remote, :url => “http://localhost:4723/wd/hub/”, :http_client => client, :desired_capabilities => caps)
I need to hide/close the Android device key-pad due to which some cases are failing.
How to do it in ruby. Kindly help me out.
using hide keyboard method is available in Android driver.
its working fine when keypad is in enable state some times the keypad in not in enable
it gives error…
I just dont bother too see if its open or not
public static void hideKeyboard(AppiumDriver driver) throws Exception {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
//Lets ignore, apparently its throwing exception when keyboard was not opened
But if you really need it, check @auto-geek answer in here (I tried it and it works perfectly):
minor correction:
public void hideKeyboard_Android(AppiumDriver driver) { if (((AndroidDriver) driver).isKeyboardShown()) { try {driver.hideKeyboard();} catch (Exception e) {} } }