How to install appium 1.6.4 in mac. As I know the process for widows for mac there is no support for mac and how to run first test case?

How to install appium 1.6.4 in mac. As I know the process for widows for mac there is no support for mac

Can anyone help me step by step to install appium on mac and how to run first test case?

npm install -g [email protected]

use -g if u want to install it globally.If u install it globally you can run appium command from any of the folders.

Hello swathi: and how to run first test case?

Type “appium” in terminal.This will start the appium server.check the appium logs from the terminal.

If u are using maven then run the test like mvn test

If we would like to inspect element means how can we use the globally installed appium via terminal ??
am using mac