How to launch appium inspector on appium 1.6.0 beta2 as there is no file for that beta

Another workaround:

  1. Open the appium 1.5.3 GUI, and fill in all required settings.
  2. There is an option to specify “Use External Appium Package” under “Developer Settings” menu. Mention the path to Appium 1.6.x and then LAUNCH. This will execute appium 1.6.x as below,

[Appium] Welcome to Appium v1.6.5 (REV 33fa80944ebff6b609e67712fb87ccc394cb327b)

Just to jot down the final answer for best way of inspecting element for iOS is to install appium 1.5.3 and setup its remote setting with latest version and then trigger inspector in appium 1.5.3 GUI. Better if you see this video: , hope it helps :slight_smile: happy testing