How to launch Appium Inspector on Appium 1.6.4 version on MAC

Here is versions I am using on my Mac:-
OS X: 10.12.3
Appium Server: 1.6.4
Node.js: 6.10.3
Java: 1.8.0
Xcode: 8.3.2

I am not able to find Appium Inspector on the latest version and its blocking me to identify elements on my App. I tried different workaround to detect elements which are available on different forums but nothing worked. Please suggest how to get UI Inspector working with Appium 1.6.4 version on MAC

Thanks in Advance
Arun Jumwal

You can use appium-desktop with an already built in inspector:

Or you can use other inspectors:

I use the mykola one :slight_smile:

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Thanks Telmo,
Mykola-mokhnach Appium Ispector worked well.!!