How to link xcode 7 with appium if we have both xcode 7 and xcode 8 on mac

I installed both xcode7 and xcode8 on my mac.Now my requirement is to use old appium version 1.4.13 and automate iphone on 8.3.Can some one tell me how to point appium to use xcode 7 and use UI Automator instead of xcode8.

Thanks in advance.

I’m not familiar with a way to control Xcode version within Appium.

Whay you can do is to control your default Xcode path by running:
sudo xcode-select -s /Applications//Contents/Developer

And, when running on xcode 7 you can set the automationName capability to uiautomator.

easy way i switch is i downloaded the gui, and in the gui (doesn’t matter version) i think under IOS and advanced there is a path to your Xcode, which you can choose which xcode you want your system to use in its environment vars.