How to locate to parent node?

Hello All,

element = driver.find_element(By.XPATH,"//xxx/x/x")

parent = element.parent
it return a webdriver obj not webelement obj.

parent = element…find_element(By.XPAH,"…")
I see an exception in the appium while processing expression By.xpath("…").

Can body knows how to link to parent node.



To find parent by knowing his child, use xpath:

If you want to get webelement dynamically, I would recommend to define parent by annotation (as others). However, it could be done like that:
WebElement parentElement = driver.findElementByXPath(childElement.getAttribute(“xpath”) + “/…”);

Awesome ~
To find parent by xpath “//element/…” works well on appium, but get the element’s attribute “xpath” will throw an error. PS: I test on mobile native element, i guess that the native element do not have the ‘xpath’ attribute

I assume that appium webelements model is the same on native and web…not sure 100% as I’m testing web only.

Which exception did you get?

I’m curious about this issue as well. I’m testing on Android 4.4. I also get exception this element does not have attribute ‘xpath’

There is no xpath ‘attribute’ on elements, it’s a strategy for finding elements. Like CSS selectors, but a different technology.

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Using inspect.exe (which is installed with the Windows SDK) I found that there was a relationship between the Id’s of a Parent and its Child elements in a Windows Forms ListView. I suspect this relationship may also apply (is likely to apply) to other OS’s and controls.

In my case I have a WinForm ListView control with a number of Items in it, and each item has 4 SubItems - each being a child element of the Item element.

Each Item is, in its turn, is a child element of the ListView control.

If the ListView has an Id, say, of 12345.6
Each ListViewI Item has an Id of 12345.6.i where i is the index of the Item in the ListView
Each ListView SubItem has an Id of 12345.6.i.s where s in the index of the SubItem in Item i

Thus to access the or Parent or Grandparent by Id from the Child element simply truncate the Child element Id by the appropriate number of sub-indices. Its quick, no messing with XPath.

I hope this helps someone.