How to perform action on Web view buttons present inside Native view page

Hi All,

I want to automate Embedded videos (Web View) present inside native view page. I want to tap on play and pause button on it. But unfortunately i’m not able to inspect play button element via Appium inspector or UI Automator. I also tried driver.getcontextHandles(), But its showing only Native_View not WEBVIEW_xxxxxxx throughout the whole page, so i am not able to switch in Webview mode. I am not getting how can i automate this scenario. Please help me guys.


Please help me guys…

Please reply guys. I am stucked in this use case. :frowning:

In order to get web view handle on the real devices, the web view element needs to enabled for content debugging. Ask the developer to make the change.

Web View (WebView.setWebContentsDebuggingEnabled(true) is already enabled in the build and if i open web view page inside my app then i am able to see the context. I am facing problem when web view links or images present inside native view.