How to reinstall deleted simulators from Xcode?

Hey All,
I upgraded to the latest Xcode and since I didn’t need the 8.4 simulators I deleted them.
I left the 9.0 simulators I created before the upgrade since those are the ones I want to use.
However, I encounter error with my ios simulator. I get error: Could not determine iOS SDK version info: [debug] Error: Command failed: /bin/sh -c xcrun –sdk iphonesimulator –show-sdk-version. So I thought I resintall Xcode.

So I deleted Xcode and reinstalled Xcode, but it still does not recover my 8.4 simulators. It says its downloaded in preferences downloads, but I don’t see it listed in my simulators list after the reinstall.

I thought after the reinstall it would allow me to redownload and reinstall the 8.4 simulators.

Can anyone advise me how to recover the 8.4 simulators?

Here is the steps to add missing simulator to show it on the devices list.

  1. Launch XCode
  2. Click “Window” from top menu.
  3. Select “Devices” from the drop down menu.
  4. Click Add(+) button on the side menu.
  5. Select the required options from “Create a new simulator:” pop up.

The requested simulator should be added successfully. :grinning: :slight_smile: :grinning:

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Thanks Sruthi. Let me give it a try tonight to see if I can add it back this way. Hopefully Xcode will remember I have downloaded the 8.4 sdk so it should allow me to add back the 8.4 simulators.

Thanks Sruthi. That solved the issue. I was able to add the 8.4 simulators back.