How to run tests on mobile Firefox browser in java

We are trying to automate tests on mobile Firefox browser but facing couple of issues.

Environment> Mac OS , Android, Appium, Selenium WebDriver, mobile emulators

What I am expecting: I want correct capabilities or setup to run tests on mobile Firefox browser in java

:heavy_check_mark: Listing installed drivers

appium --version
npm -v
node --version
Java client - 9.0.0

Main issue: I am not sure what capabilities requires for Firefox browsers, went through gecko and other information but not found any correct solution for this.


UiAutomator2Options androidOptions = new UiAutomator2Options()

                    Map<String, Object> geckoOptions = new HashMap<>();
                    geckoOptions.put("androidPackage", "org.mozilla.firefox");
                    geckoOptions.put("androidDeviceSerial", deviceName);

                    androidOptions.setCapability("moz:firefoxOptions", geckoOptions);

                    FirefoxOptions firefoxOptions = new FirefoxOptions();
                    androidOptions.setCapability("moz:firefoxOptions", firefoxOptions);
                    driver = new AndroidDriver(url, androidOptions);