How to run the Appium Mobile automation script from one main/coding machine to another machine where other machine have connected device & Appium/Android Studio.
I want to know the software/prerequisites required for running the code on other machine and also the process for setting up the same.
Currently I have designed and running Appium Mobile automation code on my local machine (source code machine) for testing with real device. So my requirement is, that when I run the code from my local machine, it should get executed on another machine which is connected with device.
PFB things used for Mobile Automation: 1.Appium Desktop system 2.Android SDK 3.Appium client 4. Seleenium client 5.Real devices connected to machine
Connect all your machines(emulator/simultor/real device) to selenium grid.
Give the IP address of your 2nd machine and also the port number port number at which Appium instance is running. This unique combo of IP+Port number will help create a unique driver instance.
With Selenium grid you still need run your code on your machine (or some machine).
If you want run code on remote machine first you need put your code into repository e.g. github. On remote machine you need somehow download code and run. Normally this is called CI ( continues integration). The way how it is implemented is manually (yes you can login remotedly into machine. Download code from github and run it) or automatically. Automatically is Jenkins or TeamCity or Gitlab or Bamboo as CI server and your remote machine as Agent. You need to choose any way.