How to set Preference configuration before launching the app

Hi All, I’m new to appium and I need your help.

I have successfully opened the inspector for a small app, like the in Appium example. And I have written a small python script to click a button of it. It works.

Then I try to install my own app, and a problem raised:

My app need to set some configuration after installed. It means, after I installed the my app, I can’t open app, it need to set the url, user name, password at app settings.

Then, the app can be launched.

I don’t know how to automatically set the app configuration while I click the inspector in Appium.

So the manual steps are:
1, Install the apps.
2, Click system Settings, and find the app name in the left, and click it.
3, Type in configuration such as ftpusername, password, serverurl.
4, Then click Home to back to main screen, click the app, it is launched.

How can I use Appium to automatically do it, now I can’t launch the app with Inspector because it need to set configuration already.

Can anyone help me?

  • Platform: iOS
  • Appium version: 1.3.4
  • Emulator/Simulator
  • Client langauage: python
  • OS: mac
