How to simulate "swipe up" gesture with 3 fingers on appium 1.6 xcode 8 java client?

My tests work on iOS 10.2 real device native app.

On appium 1.4 I used code like this:

MultiTouchAction multiTouch = new MultiTouchAction(driver);
TouchAction action0 = new TouchAction(driver).press(50, 522).moveTo(0, -445).release();
TouchAction action1 = new TouchAction(driver).press(150, 522).moveTo(0, -445).release();
TouchAction action2 = new TouchAction(driver).press(250, 522).moveTo(0, -445).release();

Now I use appium from git master and get:
"support for this multi-action is not yet implemented. Please contact an Appium dev. "

Can you provide some workaround for this?